Law in Contemporary Society
My thinking phase: I am writing this quickly before my LPW and so I can't flesh things out but if you have any comments please make them!

- What is the best way to use my license to shape the creeds, habits, mythologies, rituals of the institutions I belong to? How do we want to shape our institutional boundaries? "Society isn’t what any particular person does; instead, society sets limits on what a person might do." I wrote that down after hearing it one day and think it applies

- Institutions and Burcu. The street children of Ankara and summer camp.

-Exupery said "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." This class makes me yearn for the vast and endless sea. How do I build the ship?

- Is there individual prerogative in law enforcement? What I want is to be the anti-Mike Nifong How do I get there?

- There are no more seesaws at parks in the United States. We have let people litigate them out of existence. Our legal system over-insures the consequences of individual choice (in the non-Arnoldian sense) and creates collective inertia. As I was writing this in Lenfest, I went into the cafe to get a banana. The employee offered me another one for free because she was about to toss the food. Dining services won't donate it because of the potential liability for giving it to a food bank or homeless people. This is not the first time I have encountered this answer when asking why food is being tossed. Law should not be used as a barrier to a hungry person getting free food.

- "betabilitarian"- this is a term Eben referred to in office hours today. If I understood the brief discussion correctly, we cannot measure our choices against a normative standard. The only choice we have is to place our bets and play. What degree of risk am I/are we willing to assume? That degree of risk defines the boundaries of my/our winnings (and losses).

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r1 - 18 Feb 2010 - 23:16:42 - NonaFarahnik
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