| Text Formatting FAQ
The most frequently asked questions about text formatting are answered. Also, TextFormattingRules contains the complete TWiki shorthand system on one quick reference page. |
| The pre tag is standard HTML; verbatim is a special TWiki tag that forces text to fixed font mode, and also prevents other tags and TWiki shortcuts from being expanded. |
> > | NOTE: VARIABLES are still Set within verbatim tags (this is a historical peculiarity) |
How do I create tables? |
| 1. Use Wiki rule with "|" vertical bars |
< < |
- Example text:
| cell A1 | cell B1 | cell C1 |
> > |
- Example text:
| cell A1 | cell B1 | cell C1 |
| | cell A2 | cell B2 | cell C2 | |
| Can I include images on a page? |
< < | Yes. The easiest way is to attach a GIF, JPG or PNG file to a topic and then to place it with: %ATTACHURL%/myImage.gif . This works only for the page that the image is attached to. |
> > | Yes. The easiest way is to attach a GIF, JPG or PNG file to a topic and then to place it with: %ATTACHURL%/myImage.gif . This works only for the topic where the image is attached to. |
| |
< < | To place an image on any page, ther are two ways of including inline images. |
> > | To place an image on any topic, there are two ways of including inline images. |
| 1. Using URL ending in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
This is a simple and automatic way of including inline images. Simply write the URL of the image file, this will create the inline image for you. NOTE: The images must be accessible as a URL. |
< < |
- You enter:
TWiki http://moglen.law.columbia.edu./twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/twikilogo88x31.gif logo. Result: TWiki logo.
> > |
- You enter:
%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif logo. Result: logo.
You can upload images directly to your server with FTP access. You can also attach image files to a topic - you could even create a dedicated image topic, like ImageLibrary - and then link to the images directly:
- Attach
pic.gif to Someweb.SomeTopic
< < | Display with http://moglen.law.columbia.edu./twiki/pub/Someweb/SomeTopic/pic.gif |
> > | Display with %PUBURL%/Someweb/SomeTopic/pic.gif |
| 2. Using <img> tag |
< < | This is a manual process where you have more control over the rendering of the image. Use the <img> tag of HTML to include GIF, JPG and PNG files. Note: The display of the topic is faster if you include the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters that have the actual image size. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/special/img.html has more on inline images. |
> > | This is a manual process where you have more control over the rendering of the image. Use the <img> tag of HTML to include GIF, JPG and PNG files. Note: The rendering of the topic is faster if you include the width and height parameters that have the actual image size. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/special/img.html has more on inline images. |
| |
< < |
- You enter:
TWiki <img src="http://moglen.law.columbia.edu./twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/twikilogo88x31.gif" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo. Result: TWiki logo.
> > |
- You enter:
<img src="%PUBURLPATH%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo. Result: logo.
Can I write colored text? |
< < | -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001 |