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TWikiTemplates 8 - 15 Sep 2001 - Main.PeterThoeny
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Line: 80 to 82
  All template topics are located in the TWiki web. The WebTopicEditTemplate can be overloaded. The following search order applies when you create a new topic:
  1. The topic name specified by the templatetopic parameter.
  1. The topic name specified by the templatetopic CGI parameter.
  1. WebTopicEditTemplate in the current web.
  2. WebTopicEditTemplate in the TWiki web.
Line: 90 to 92
  • New example topic:
(date format is YYYYMMDD)
(date format is YYYYxMMxDD)

Above form asks for a topic name. A hidden input tag of name "templatetopic" specifies the ExampleTopicTemplate as the template topic. Here is the HTML source of the form:

Line: 100 to 103
<form name="new" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/">
	* New example topic: 

<input type="text" name="topic" value="ExampleTopic%SERVERTIME{$year$mo$day}%" size="22"> <input type="hidden" name="templatetopic" value="ExampleTopicTemplate"> <input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" value="on"> <input type="submit" value="Create"> (date format is YYYYMMDD)
<input type="text" name="topic" value="ExampleTopic%SERVERTIME{$yearx$mox$day}%" size="23" /> <input type="hidden" name="templatetopic" value="ExampleTopicTemplate" /> <input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" value="on" /> <input type="submit" value="Create" /> (date format is <nop>YYYYxMMxDD)

Revision 8r8 - 15 Sep 2001 - 19:19:17 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 7r7 - 15 Sep 2001 - 09:32:57 - MikeMannix?
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