< < | The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool. |
> > | The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool. |
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< < | TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to: |
> > | TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to: |
- make the text editing process a very simple ( click on the Edit link at the bottom of the page )
- and to find information fast ( WebSearch ).
- Wiki wiki means quick in Hawai'ian. They call the shuttle at the Honolulu airport the wiki wiki bus.
- TWiki is the short form of TakeFive Wiki . (Later on I found out that Twiki is the name of a robot in a Buck Rogers TV show in 1979)
< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
> > | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
| Topics of interest: |
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> > |
- TWikiDocumentation is the implementation documentation of TWiki with these topics:
- TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername?
- TWikiVariables
- TWikiNotificationOfChanges?
- TWikiCategoryTable?
- TWikiImplementationNotes?
- TWikiInstallationNotes?
- TWikiUpgradeTo01Mai2000?
| Note: |
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- TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName in case TWiki is running on an Intranet where you log in. In case your TWiki installation does not authenticate users, TWiki does not know about user names, all visitors have the user name TWikiGuest.
> > |
- TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName in case TWiki is running on an Intranet where you log in. In case your TWiki installation does not authenticate users, TWiki does not know about user names, all visitors have the user name TWikiGuest.
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- This TWiki version is TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 .
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- This TWiki version is TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 .
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< < | -- PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 05 Apr 2000
> > | -- PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000