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TWikiRegistration 28 - 31 Jan 2013 - Main.EbenMoglen
Revision 28 is unreadable
<-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->

To register as a new user, simply fill out this form:

Please use only your Columbia email account when registering. This will avoid delays and other account suspensions designed to reduce SPAM.

   # optional row for login name, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure 

   # optional rows for password, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure, we assume that login name means that TWiki does not handle passwords 
Fields marked ** are required
First Name: **
Last Name: **
(identifies you to others) WikiName: **
Course: **
(how you log in) LoginName: **
Columbia E-mail address: **
Columbia uni: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
When TWiki receives the form, it will mail an account activation code to the e-mail address you gave above. Enter that activation code in the following screen, or follow the link in the e-mail, to activate your account. Once your account is activated, TWiki will:
  • Finish creating an account for you, so that you can start editing pages using your WikiName.
  • Create your personal TWiki topic using your WikiName as topic name, and add the data you submitted to the topic.
  • Add your name to the list of users in the TWikiUsers topic in the Main web.
  • Send you a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.
   # login method used by this site: 
Once registered you can login using your WikiName and password.
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->

META PREFERENCE name="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" title="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" type="Set" value="Main.TWikiAdminGroup"

TWikiRegistration 27 - 22 Jan 2013 - Main.IanSullivan
Line: 1 to 1
<-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->

To register as a new user, simply fill out this form:
   # optional row for login name, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure 

   # optional rows for password, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure, we assume that login name means that TWiki does not handle passwords 
Fields marked ** are required
First Name: **
Last Name: **
(identifies you to others) WikiName: **
Course: **
(how you log in) LoginName: **
E-mail address: **
Columbia uni: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
When TWiki receives the form, it will mail an account activation code to the e-mail address you gave above. Enter that activation code in the following screen, or follow the link in the e-mail, to activate your account. Once your account is activated, TWiki will:
  • Finish creating an account for you, so that you can start editing pages using your WikiName.
  • Create your personal TWiki topic using your WikiName as topic name, and add the data you submitted to the topic.
  • Add your name to the list of users in the TWikiUsers topic in the Main web.
  • Send you a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.
   # login method used by this site: 
Once registered you can login using your WikiName and password.
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->

META PREFERENCE name="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" title="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" type="Set" value="Main.TWikiAdminGroup"

TWikiRegistration 25 - 10 Nov 2012 - Main.EbenMoglen
Revision 25 is unreadable

<-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->

To register as a new user, simply fill out this form:
   # optional row for login name, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure 

   # optional rows for password, enabled by {Register}{AllowLoginName} option in configure, we assume that login name means that TWiki does not handle passwords 
Fields marked ** are required
First Name: **
Last Name: **
(identifies you to others) WikiName: **
Course: **
(how you log in) LoginName: **
E-mail address: **
Columbia uni: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
When TWiki receives the form, it will mail an account activation code to the e-mail address you gave above. Enter that activation code in the following screen, or follow the link in the e-mail, to activate your account. Once your account is activated, TWiki will:
  • Finish creating an account for you, so that you can start editing pages using your WikiName.
  • Create your personal TWiki topic using your WikiName as topic name, and add the data you submitted to the topic.
  • Add your name to the list of users in the TWikiUsers topic in the Main web.
  • Send you a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.
   # login method used by this site: 
Once registered you can login using your WikiName and password.
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->

META PREFERENCE name="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" title="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" type="Set" value="Main.TWikiAdminGroup"

TWikiRegistration 24 - 08 Nov 2012 - Main.IanSullivan
Line: 1 to 1
<-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->