TWiki Plugins |
- Dev page: Post feature requests, bug reports and general dev comments; topic title ends in
Dev (ex: SomePluginDev ).
- User support: Post installation, how to use type questions (and answers, if you have them) in the TWiki:Support web.
< < | Pre-Installed Plugins |
> > | Preinstalled Plugins |
| TWiki comes with three Plugins as part of the standard installation. |
- InterwikiPlugin is included but can be disabled or removed. Use it for quick linking to frequently linked to remote sites. Ex:
TWiki:Plugins expands to TWiki:Plugins - on TWiki.org. You can add your own shortcuts and URLs to the existing directory of Wiki-related sites.
< < | Managing Installed Plugins |
> > | Managing Plugins |
| Ideally, after you've installed a Plugin, just read the instructions and you're set. In fact, some Plugins require additional settings or offer extra options that you can modify on Preferences pages. You may want to make a Plugin available only in certain webs, or temporarily disable it. And having to list all available Plugins will probably come up. You can handle all of these with simple procedures. |
< < | Set Preferences for Individual Plugins |
> > | Setting Preferences |
| Installed Plugins can be toggled on or off, site-wide or by web, through TWikiPreferences and individual WebPreferences: |
- The settings can be retrieved as Preferences variables like
%<pluginname>_<var>% , ex: %DEFAULTPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION% shows the description of the DefaultPlugin.
< < | List Active Plugins Automatically |
> > | Listing Active Plugins |
| Plugin status variables let you list all active Plugins wherever needed. There are two list formats:
- The
%ACTIVATEDPLUGINS% variable lists activated Plugins by name. (This variable is displayed in TWikiPreferences for debugging use.)
- Method 2: List the Plugin under test in the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in TWikiPreferences. Redefine the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in the test web and do the testing there.
< < | Creating New Plugins |
> > | Creating Plugins |
| With a reasonable knowledge of the Perl scripting language, you can create new Plugins or modify and extend existing ones. Basic plug-in architecture uses an Application Programming Interface (API), a set of software instructions that allow external code to interact with the main program. The TWiki Plugin API Plugins by providing a programming interface for TWiki. |
- For improve performance, enable only the functions you really need. NOTE:
outsidePREHandler and insidePREHandler are particularly expensive.
< < | Customize the DefaultPlugin |
> > | The DefaultPlugin Alternative |
- DefaultPlugin can handle some outdated TWiki variables, found, for example, in sites recently updated from an old version. Settings are in TWikiPreferences. You can also add your own simple custom processing rules here, though in all but very simple cases, writing a new Plugin is preferable.
< < | Create a Plugin Module in Perl |
> > | Creating the Perl Module |
| Copy file (EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm EmptyPlugin.pm contains no executable code, so it does nothing, but it's ready to be used. Customize it. Refer to the Plugin API specs for more information.
< < | Create a Plugin Documentation Topic |
> > | Writing the Documentation Topic |
| The Plugin documentation topic contains usage instructions and version details. It serves the Plugin files as FileAttachments for downloading. (The doc topic is also included in the distribution package.) To create a documentation topic: |
< < | Package a Plugin for Distribution |
> > | Packaging for Distribution |
| A minimum Plugin release consists of a Perl module with a WikiName that ends in Plugin , ex: YourPlugin.pm , and a documentation page with the same name(YourPlugin.txt ). |
< < | Publish a Plugin for General Use |
> > | Publishing for Public Use |
| You can release your tested, packaged Plugin to the TWiki community through the TWiki:Plugins web, where all Plugins submitted to TWiki.org are available for download and further development discussion. Publish your Plugin in three steps: |