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TWikiHistory 48 - 12 Sep 2001 - Main.MikeMannix
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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline
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  • 21 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to forms using the TWikiMetaData format, see TWikiFormTemplate?
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplateSystem? .
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
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  • 28 May 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • 15 May 2000 - PeterFokkinga?
    • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplatesVer1? has more.
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 21 Apr 2000 - PeterThoeny

Revision 48r48 - 12 Sep 2001 - 06:51:29 - MikeMannix?
Revision 47r47 - 06 Sep 2001 - 20:22:45 - MikeMannix?
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