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TWikiHistory 31 - 18 Feb 2001 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 1 to 1
 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046)
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Fixed TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Jan 2001: WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - NEW).
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: TWiki skins: Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.

Revision 31r31 - 18 Feb 2001 - 08:30:53 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 30r30 - 18 Feb 2001 - 00:06:23 - PeterThoeny?
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