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FormattedSearch 11 - 29 Sep 2003 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"
Line: 29 to 29
$topic(20) Topic name, "- " hyphenated each 20 characters
$topic(30, -<br />) Topic name, hyphenated each 30 characters with separator "-<br />"
$topic(40, ...) Topic name, shortended to 40 characters with "..." indication
$text Formatted topic text
$text Formatted topic text. In case of a multiple="on" search, it is the line found for each search hit.
$locked LOCKED flag (if any)
$date Time stamp of last topic update, like 15 Jan 2025 - 14:08
$isodate Time stamp of last topic update, like 2025-01-15T14:08Z
Line: 42 to 42
$formfield(name, 10) Form field value, "- " hyphenated each 10 characters
$formfield(name, 20, -<br />) Form field value, hyphenated each 20 characters with separator "-<br />"
$formfield(name, 30, ...) Form field value, shortended to 30 characters with "..." indication
$pattern(reg-exp) A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic. For example, $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ....
$pattern(reg-exp) A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic. In case of a multiple="on" search, the pattern is applied to the line found in each search hit. For example, $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ....
$n or $n() New line
$nop or $nop() Is a "no operation". This variable gets removed; useful for nested search
$quot Double quote ("). Alternatively write \" to escape it

Revision 11r11 - 29 Sep 2003 - 00:32:53 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 10r10 - 08 Sep 2003 - 05:24:47 - PeterThoeny?
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