Law in the Internet Society

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RisakoSuzukiFirstEssay 3 - 05 Dec 2021 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
Whether it is reasonable and effective to set regulations on personal data from country to country
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 Even if each country sets the personal data protection regulations applicable to foreign companies, such regulations seem to be unreasonable, not effective, not enforceable, and meaningless. To protect customers’ personal data from companies providing services or products around the world via the Internet like Amazon or Facebook, it is better to create international rules regulating the treatment of personal data rather than relying on regulations by each country’s government.
It would improve the next draft to leave the Japanese example for the moment and learn about other countries' approach to the issues you raise, of establishing jurisdiction and assuring compliance. Howe does GDPR work? What about CCPA in California? What does the currently-pending Indian legislation do about making sure that foreign entities collecting personal information have Indian patties who will respond to its court orders? The advantage of studying here is that you can learn to think globally. Because there is mathematically exactly zero chance of international agreements given the differences among the world's dominant societies, it would be well to learn to understand the actual state of global play.


Revision 3r3 - 05 Dec 2021 - 22:52:17 - EbenMoglen
Revision 2r2 - 22 Oct 2021 - 16:37:59 - RisakoSuzuki
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