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MatthewLadnerPaper1 19 - 08 Dec 2011 - Main.AustinKlar
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Wikipedia: Anarchy or Hierarchy?

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 Instead, I think what you would need to do is define some metrics and apply them. What is that Wikipedia should be doing? How good is it at doing that thing? Is there evidence that "X or Y added procedure" has decreased the ability of Wikipedia to do the things it should be doing?

-- DevinMcDougall - 06 Dec 2011

It didn't appear to me that an issue with the paper is a "definitional issue." The author defined anarchism specifically for purposes of this paper. He said "this paper uses the term to describe the freedom from exclusionary rules and traditional systemic mechanisms for limiting the evolution (and therefore improvement) of a product." He could have chosen a word other than anarchism but that he chose that word and defined it specifically for purposes of this paper isn't an issue. The main issue is whether wikipedia's superiority as a product can be attributed to the "anarchy", as defined in this paper, i.e., a lack of property rules. So whether wikipedia is anarchist is certainly an orthogonal issue and its meant to be. You don't have to focus on whether his definition of anarchist is correct to understand the paper. I think Devin's suggestions about defining metrics and applying them might be a good idea. In the conclusion it might be good to outline some things wikipedia could do to help mitigate some of the issues described in the paper. However, given the length limitations for the paper, it might be too difficult to fully explore the issue of whether wikipedia's superiority owes itself to "anarchy" and then to explore metrics and applications.

-- AustinKlar - 08 Dec 2011

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Revision 19r19 - 08 Dec 2011 - 15:13:10 - AustinKlar
Revision 18r18 - 06 Dec 2011 - 03:39:59 - DevinMcDougall
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