Law in the Internet Society

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FinnLansinkSecondEssay 3 - 02 Dec 2024 - Main.FinnLansink
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It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

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We know Big Brother is watching

Studies have found that on average eighty percent of people are concerned with the data collected online. Following these findings they tend to draw a conclusion that people do not know how to deal with these concerns or do not understand how much data is really being collected. Thus, the logical way to combat the issue would be to spread awareness ways to get out of this state of surveillance. But I believe both of these conclusions to be false. In fact, I believe these conclusions perfectly illustrate the root of the issue; the overvaluing of belief. This would make perfect sense as this issue of surveillance is interwoven with the cause, capitalism. This ‘overvaluing of belief’ is the keeping of an ironical distance in our heads between our beliefs and actions. In the case of capitalism this is the belief that money has no intrinsic value while we fetishize it in our actions. In the case of surveillance, it’s the belief that we all have a right to privacy while we ‘willingly’ sell our data. The ironic distance we have taken in our heads allow us to act the exact opposite way to our beliefs. This presents the first issue of gestural dystopia; it actually entrenches this ironic distance. It creates a Baudrillardian type of control where subordination is no longer coming from an outside source but rather encourages to participate and interact. Another way this type of control is supported by gestural dystopia is through ‘interpassivity’. Žižek describes it as a situation where individuals delegate their emotional or physiological engagement with the world to external objects or systems (e.g. movies or books). By having (social...) media doing our criticizing of the systems for us we are free to ‘consume with impunity’.
Studies have found that on average eighty percent of people are concerned with the data collected online. Following these findings they tend to draw a conclusion that people do not know how to deal with these concerns or do not understand how much data is really being collected. Thus, the logical way to combat the issue would be to spread awareness ways to get out of this state of surveillance. But I believe both of these conclusions to be false. In fact, I believe these conclusions perfectly illustrate the root of the issue; the overvaluing of belief. This would make perfect sense as this issue of surveillance is interwoven with the cause, capitalism. This ‘overvaluing of belief’ is the keeping of an ironical distance in our heads between our beliefs and actions. In the case of capitalism this is the belief that money has no intrinsic value while we fetishize it in our actions. In the case of surveillance, it’s the belief that we all have a right to privacy while we ‘willingly’ sell our data. Perhaps even the writing of critical essays on technology while continuing to use the very same. The ironic distance we have taken in our heads allow us to act the exact opposite way to our beliefs. This presents the first issue of gestural dystopia; it actually entrenches this ironic distance. It creates a Baudrillardian type of control where subordination is no longer coming from an outside source but rather encourages to participate and interact. Another way this type of control is supported by gestural dystopia is through ‘interpassivity’. Žižek describes it as a situation where individuals delegate their emotional or physiological engagement with the world to external objects or systems (e.g. movies or books). By having (social...) media doing our criticizing of the systems for us we are free to ‘consume with impunity’.

The devil we know

Revision 3r3 - 02 Dec 2024 - 14:38:45 - FinnLansink
Revision 2r2 - 30 Nov 2024 - 05:17:29 - FinnLansink
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