Law in the Internet Society

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-- By DevinMcDougall - 17 Oct 2011

Conceptual Tools

Law, Technology and Politics

Law in the Internet Polity?

What are the conceptual tools provided so far in LNS, and what can we build with them?

society level: the opportunities are in distributed, decentralized collaboration. less on centralized, washington d.c. based politics as often implicit in 60s narratives

this is due to law, tech and politics law: federal courts, esp DC Circuit and SC less interested in progressive work politics: tech: we have new tools that enable new kinds of pathways to route around these issues

Consilience: overlapping layers

Marshal Ganz: campaign - online materials.

Subsection A

Problem: Climate change driver: energy use solution: sustainable energy

campaign idea: distributed photovoltaic in NYC

why NY? I live here. demonstration effect: nyc is watched in many places.

law: building codes zoning landmarking

politics: NIMBY bureaucracy status quo inertia PlaNYC?

tech: 1. human communication: organizing to share info, create shared identity 2. machine communication: smart grid. things talking to each other.

Subsub 1

Subsection B

Subsub 1

Subsub 2

Section II

Subsection A

Subsection B

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Revision 1r1 - 17 Oct 2011 - 17:18:10 - DevinMcDougall
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