Law in Contemporary Society

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VeblenIfYouGiveAMouseACookie 5 - 06 Apr 2010 - Main.StephenSevero
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 Did you ever think capitalism might end because it was too… successful? Veblen offers this possibility.
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 Because they have the money to access the course/courts, the leisure time to play, and they enjoy it? Do only poor people truly enjoy athletics?

-- SamHershey - 06 Apr 2010


Actually, for Veblen it's almost the opposite. The rich love sports because they show how financially strong you are - you can mock war without worrying about being productive. Of course, the poor "delinquents", another group that retains the overly predatory "bellicose frame of mind" also enjoy sports. It's important to remember the different time period in looking to his claims and diction. In 1899, "sports" wasn't exactly sports as we see it today. I think a similar thing holds for his description of "barbarians" and "savages".

-- StephenSevero - 06 Apr 2010


Revision 5r5 - 06 Apr 2010 - 14:22:52 - StephenSevero
Revision 4r4 - 06 Apr 2010 - 14:02:14 - SamHershey
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