Law in Contemporary Society

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VaultSTopLawFirmsTalk 4 - 20 Feb 2008 - Main.JuliaS
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 -- ChristinaYoun - 20 Feb 2008
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 Does anyone have any thoughts on another possible methodology for ranking instead of peer review of prestige or the tangible factors Eben has mentioned?

-- JulianBaez - 20 Feb 2008


Why have rankings at all?

They seem self-perpetuating and not particularly substantive. I can't really tell what purpose they serve. Maybe I'm missing the point?

-- JuliaS - 20 Feb 2008

Has anyone actually read how the Vault comes up with the rankings? Most of it is based on a survey of what working attorneys think are the most prestigious firms. They just tally up the votes. I suspect that a lot of the prestige comes from none other than the fact that X firm has a GPA cutoff of Y. Many lawyers are probably basing their notions of prestige on "well, I couldn't get hired there with my grades...."

Revision 4r4 - 20 Feb 2008 - 06:20:59 - JuliaS
Revision 3r3 - 20 Feb 2008 - 05:39:21 - JulianBaez
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