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ToughLovePedagogy 5 - 08 Apr 2009 - Main.MolissaFarber
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The Relative Wisdom of Tough Love Pedagogy

Consider the following hypothetical:

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 However, every teacher in the current setting has numerous students. I would like to believe if the student in your hypo went to office hours, spoke personally with Eben about his realizations, etc., he might receive the "right" kind of feedback. I don't mean to suggest that he is to "blame" for receiving ineffective treatment, but rather a little effort on the student's part might go a long way to ensuring a positive experience. (Note: I do realize I have expanded on the facts in your hypothetical a bit. I hope I don't get a B- !).

-- KeithEdelman - 07 Apr 2009

My sense is that the “tough love” approach leaves a lot of students out in the cold.

I agree with you that the tough approach is not an effective way to teach everyone. I disagree with what appears to be your underlying assumption that everybody gets a tough approach in this class. I read almost all of the paper comments that were posted over the last several weeks, and found most of them to be reasonable on the verge of downright gentle. The papers that featured more red pen than others were generally authored by people who seem to have a relationship with Professor Moglen that would warrant Eben's assumption that "they could take it," or that such criticism would motivate them more than general soft platitudes.

As I've mentioned before, the "tough love" given to Theo in HowToFixHealthcare was intimidating to me. However, Eben's explanation for that approach in class made sense, in that his responses were geared towars Theo. As Theo said in BaitSwitch:

For all the contrast, conflict creates creativity. I have learned a lot about various healthcare models and have thought about it more than before; resulting in my revising a post which was originally sub par.I think Professor Moglen likes to stir things up and make you rethink your basic assumptions. As do I, which has contributed to a positive feedback loop.

The flaw in the approach was that the comments could be read by all of us, many of whom had not received feedback yet and were concerned that the same approach would be used for us, shattering our fragile psyche (as in your hypothetical). I suspect that concern is somewhat minimized now, after we have discussed this topic in class at great length and have received some feedback. Even for those of us who got negative feedback, I wonder if it was as bad or worse as anyone expected.

If I may ask, was this hypothetical meant to reflect your own feelings, Anja, or was it really a hypo? You strike me was one of the people who have engaged with Professor Moglen on a level that would suggest that you are comfortable with the tough love.

-- MolissaFarber - 07 Apr 2009


Revision 5r5 - 08 Apr 2009 - 15:36:19 - MolissaFarber
Revision 4r4 - 08 Apr 2009 - 14:33:31 - AndrewMcCormick
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