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ToughLovePedagogy 16 - 09 Apr 2009 - Main.WalkerNewell
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The Relative Wisdom of Tough Love Pedagogy

Consider the following hypothetical:

Line: 80 to 80
 In those circumstances, yes, tough love is great. The question for us is, does this class meet those standards?

-- AnjaliBhat - 09 Apr 2009

I just wanted to respond to the Professor's contention that some of us jumped in to defend his teaching style after Anja's post. I can honestly say that I wasn't being toadying. I had never been to office hours in my entire college and law school career before today. I went to Moglen's because I thought I would get something useful out of it and not be bullshitted. I'm not sure whether this class couldn't be just as effective without the tough-love approach, but if its part of the package, its not a deal-breaker for me.

Revision 16r16 - 09 Apr 2009 - 23:37:23 - WalkerNewell
Revision 15r15 - 09 Apr 2009 - 18:36:08 - AnjaliBhat
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