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ToughLovePedagogy 11 - 08 Apr 2009 - Main.CarolineElkin
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The Relative Wisdom of Tough Love Pedagogy

Consider the following hypothetical:

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 -- AnjaHavedal? - 08 Apr 2009
Personally, I enrolled in this class expecting (or perhaps even looking for) a stick. I've followed a certain path in life that has given me many carrots, and I've learned what works and doesn't work in life, school, etc. through a lot of positive reinforcement. Most of my life I've sought more and more carrots and they've served me well. At this point, however, I'm ready for Eben's stick because I think that's what is going to make me a better lawyer. Don't get me wrong - I still like carrots and am looking for them in all my other classes. It’s just that I feel more comfortable getting a stick from Eben than I would from any other professor I've had here. I think it has something to do with the candid discussion that goes on in our class, as well as the fact that I don't think that a stick from Eben means that he will think less of me. I think a stick from Eben means he's pushing me further because he knows I can do better. So in my case, at least, I expect to learn more from Eben’s tough love approach than I would learn if he sugar-coated his feedback for me.
Personally, I enrolled in this class expecting (or perhaps even looking for) a stick. I've followed a certain path in life that has given me many carrots, and I've learned what works and doesn't work in life, school, etc. through a lot of positive reinforcement. Most of my life I've sought more and more carrots and they've served me well. At this point, however, I'm ready for Eben's tough love because I think that's what is going to make me a better lawyer. Don't get me wrong - I still like carrots and am looking for them in all my other classes. It’s just that I feel more comfortable getting some tough love from Eben than I would from any other professor I've had here. I think it has something to do with the candid discussion that goes on in our class, as well as the fact that I don't think that critical feedback from Eben means that he will think less of me. I think it means he's pushing me further because he knows I can do better. So in my case, at least, I expect to learn more from Eben’s tough love approach than I would learn if he sugar-coated his feedback for me.
 Nonetheless, I hope posting this doesn’t mean I’m going to feel the stick on my transcript at the end of the semester. But as Eben has proposed to the class, would that really make me less of a lawyer if it were to happen? Probably not.
  • I hope this is not totally inappropriate, but the references to "Eben's stick" in this post distracted me from the message (blame my tittering inner middle-schooler). Seemed like a poor choice of words in any case. Perhaps edit to use different terminology? - MF
Thank you so much for your suggestion, Molissa. I've changed the language. I hadn't thought of the reference at all and am very glad you said something! -CE
 -- CarolineElkin - 08 Apr 2009

Revision 11r11 - 08 Apr 2009 - 18:19:00 - CarolineElkin
Revision 10r10 - 08 Apr 2009 - 17:52:24 - MolissaFarber
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