Law in Contemporary Society

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TomaLivshizSecondPaper 7 - 14 Jun 2012 - Main.MeaganBurrows
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 If the comparison were to hold so far, then perhaps one could find inspiration in the fact that if this scenario--voluntarily returning to slavery--seems implausible, then it would by analogy be equally fantastic to imagine a law school graduate who "escaped" from the conveyor belt to ask to be let back on. In other words, it is comforting to believe, while it might be terrifying for us to contemplate where the uncharted path will lead, that upon arrival we will have no regrets.

-- CamilaTapernoux 12 Jun 2012 \ No newline at end of file

Lovely paper Toma - I can definitely relate to your fear of straying from path dependency and stepping towards the unknown. However, I do think that those who wish to do so may be able to harness tools, build a network and create an environment at Columbia over the course of the next two years which would enable them to easily slide out of law school and into an alternate - yet secure and stable - career path. Columbia is full of professors with glowing backgrounds in public interest, government, and - most obviously - academia, available to us as resources and mentors. We are also presented with various clinical options and externships completely unrelated to firm life. While the thought of being pushed off of the diving board into unemployment after graduation is certainly harrowing, we still have two good years to build relationships, gain knowledge, and foster institutional connections that will enable us to swim in a non-Big Law environment come 2014.

-- MeaganBurrows 14 Jun 2012

Revision 7r7 - 14 Jun 2012 - 23:52:51 - MeaganBurrows
Revision 6r6 - 14 Jun 2012 - 23:34:31 - SkylarPolansky
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