Law in Contemporary Society

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ToBeAGoodLawyer 3 - 24 Jan 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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"It takes two things to be a good lawyer: you have to know exactly what you want and you have to know exactly how to get it."
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 Well said.

-- KateVershov - 24 Jan 2008


1) If you want to be a good lawyer, know what you want and how to get it (-Cohen).
2) If you want to learn what you want and how to get it, take this course (-Moglen)
3) If you want to seize control of an industrial state and exterminate a tenth of its population, I prefer that you not take Moglen's class.

These are syllogisms, not value statements. We might clear up the confusion by replacing "good" with "effective." By these standards, Hitler was a good lawyer. If we don't know whether we want to be good lawyers, we won't find the answer as a syllogism packed and wrapped by law school. Law school assumes we want to be good lawyers.

-- AndrewGradman - 24 Jan 2008

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 3r3 - 24 Jan 2008 - 17:15:22 - AndrewGradman
Revision 2r2 - 24 Jan 2008 - 08:22:14 - KateVershov
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