Law in Contemporary Society

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StephenSeveroFirstPaper 3 - 28 Feb 2010 - Main.StephenSevero
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"

A Right to Destroy - "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

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 * In verbing this name, I mean to refer to the Ephesean response, and not to Herostratus' plan. Also, most of the links are not directly relevant to the text, but instead are various things that I was thinking about as I wrote the paper. Interesting, but often tenuously connected at best.
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Revision 3r3 - 28 Feb 2010 - 18:53:45 - StephenSevero
Revision 2r2 - 26 Feb 2010 - 19:30:50 - StephenSevero
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