META TOPICPARENT | name="SecondPaper" |
Confederate History Month: It’s a Celebration!
-- By StephanieOduro - 15 May 2010 | |
< < | For the first time since 2001, Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell? , proclaimed April as “Confederate History Month” and without mentioning slavery. Virginia is not the only state celebrating the Confederacy. Georgia, Texas and Mississippi, just to name a few, also celebrate Confederate History Month. It is somewhat reassuring that the President has openly criticized Virginia’s omission of slavery from its proclamation, considering that past Presidents reacted with silence whenever Southern States celebrated their Confederate heritage. The separation of the issues of slavery from Confederacy is not only a gross distortion of American History, but it also romanticizes the era marked with racism and human rights violations. | > > | For the first time since 2001, Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell, proclaimed April as “Confederate History Month” and without mentioning slavery. Virginia is not the only state celebrating the Confederacy. Georgia, Texas and Mississippi, just to name a few, also celebrate Confederate History Month. It is somewhat reassuring that the President has openly criticized Virginia’s omission of slavery from its proclamation, considering that past Presidents reacted with silence whenever Southern States celebrated their Confederate heritage. The separation of the issues of slavery from Confederacy is not only a gross distortion of American History, but it also romanticizes the era marked with racism and human rights violations. | | | |
< < | Governor McDonnell? soon apologized for the omission. However, he defended his initial position by stating that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and to promote tourism rather focusing on the issue of slavery. He originally chose not to mention slavery in his proclamation because he was “focused on the ones (he) thought were most significant for Virginia.” Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, was less apologetic and defended McDonnell? ’s omission of slavery claiming that the controversy was making “a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." It seems to follow that, at least for McDonnell? and Barbour, the plight of Virginia’s slaves does not rank among the most significant aspects of the civil war. It also seems as though McDonnell? ’s failure to mention slavery as a reason for the war was not an oversight. | > > | Governor McDonnell soon apologized for the omission. However, he defended his initial position by stating that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and to promote tourism rather focusing on the issue of slavery. He originally chose not to mention slavery in his proclamation because he was “focused on the ones (he) thought were most significant for Virginia.” Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, was less apologetic and defended McDonnell’s omission of slavery claiming that the controversy was making “a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." It seems to follow that, at least for McDonnell and Barbour, the plight of Virginia’s slaves does not rank among the most significant aspects of the civil war. It also seems as though McDonnell’s failure to mention slavery as a reason for the war was not an oversight. | | To many, the notion of celebrating the Confederate History probably sounds ludicrous. A national discussion of the Civil War’s history would be more educational than celebrating the Confederacy. Everyone should know and understand American history in it’s entirely. It is one thing to reflect, remember or mourn the human calamity that the institution of slavery brought onto America. But celebrating an institution that openly embraced slavery seems anachronistic to a 21st century America that overcame centuries of racism and even elected a black president. Or is this just the resurfacing of the inherent racism that has been pushed under the rug for the past decades? | | ''Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery -- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.''
After reading that, Confederate supporters would have to have a delusional view of what is honorable to claim that secession was about “states rights” and not slavery. | |
< < | To honor the "principles" of the Confederacy is simply immoral. Would "Nazi Heritage Month" be tolerated in Germany? No. Governor McDonnell? ’s proclamation of confederate history month without mentioning slavery is like honoring German soldiers for their bravery in WWII without mentioning Nazism or the Holocaust. They call Germans who fondly remember the happy memories of World War II Neo-Nazis. | > > | To honor the "principles" of the Confederacy is simply immoral. Would "Nazi Heritage Month" be tolerated in Germany? No. Governor McDonnell’s proclamation of confederate history month without mentioning slavery is like honoring German soldiers for their bravery in WWII without mentioning Nazism or the Holocaust. They call Germans who fondly remember the happy memories of World War II Neo-Nazis. | | In addition, some argue that the Confederate Heritage should be celebrated in order to remember the death of thousands of Confederate soldiers. They point out that many Confederate soldiers were uneducated poor farmers trying to make a living conscripted to serve and die. But we can focus on the individual acts of soldiers of many unjust forces in the world. Trying to make a living does not excuse their misdeeds. Those soldiers chose to defend a system of degradation called slavery, just like Nazi soldiers were defending and perpetuating an evil genocide. The deaths of confederate soldiers do not call for celebration, only somber reflection. | | -- By StephanieOduro - 15 May 2010 | |
< < | Revision #2 | > > | This is just shooting
fish in a barrel. There's no one who particularly wants to defend
the absurd form in which this inexperienced governor and
laughable politician took his pratfall. So you can criticize his
nonsense all you please without risking any actual complications of
More difficult is to
leave behind the non-substantive castigation of idiocy for two more
complicated issues: (1) how if at all to differentiate Southern
conservatism, including "lost cause" romanticism, from mere propaganda
for white supremacy; and (2) what moral judgments are appropriate in
response to Southern sectionalism in the post-bellum, post-Jim-Crow,
post-Brown, post-white-majority America of the 21st century. These
tasks this draft, like its predecessor, doesn't directly engage. You
are morally judgmental, but condemnatory rhetoric is not an
Kay's edit tried to
raise the right issues, but did so too weakly. He pointed out by a
too-brief example the importance of comparative perspective. Lost
causes often but not always have romantic value to the descendants of
those who were defeated. How and why that happens is useful to think
about, but the thought is blocked if one simply imposes victors'
justice on one's own thought patterns. And winners as well as losers
commit crimes and tread humanity underfoot, but only the morals of
the winners become historically above reproach. Kay tried to raise
some of the questions, but you basically ran over his points.
Germans would not
tolerate a Nazi Heritage Month while the generation that fought the
war lives, and I assume that even 150 years from now an official
observance is unlikely. Which should say something about the
romanticized Confederacy and its continuing importance in American
culture, regardless of the extent to which the comparison would seem
inflammatory to Southern sectionalists.
But it's precisely because I don't have a problem with the
comparison that I do have a problem with the moral conclusions. My
great-grandmother and all my grandfather's siblings and their
offspring were murdered by Nazis. I have strong personal feelings
about German society between the wars, about the relations between
German nationalist ideology generally (not just National Socialism)
and anti-Semitism, and about the willingness of ordinary Germans to
be complicit in genocide during the war. Those intellectual
attitudes shade off into emotional commitments I sometimes have to
act strongly to govern in myself; they are bigoted. But committed,
even prejudiced, as I am, I don't at all see the moral opprobrium of
the descendants of honorable soldiers celebrating German bravery in
the Wehrmacht, and I don't see the presence of some philo-Semitic
exhibition or some obligatory hand-wringing about the Shoah as a
necessary pseudo-exculpatory accompaniment. German prohibition on
neo-fascist expression is, to my mind, more a way of burying the past
than preventing its recurrence, and it holds no positive moral status
for me, any more than prohibition of "hate speech" does in my own
Obviously, we can and should differ on this, as we can and should
differ from the very people whose view of their own
past—incomplete, romanticized, unrealistic and exculpatory as
it is—we are discussing. But to hold their view of their own
history immoral seems to me a serious category error and a threat to
intellectual freedom. You and I aren't going to celebrate during
Confederate History Month, or at least not celebrate Confederate
history. But there will be any number of things for us to do, some
of which you have suggested (apparently more in a satirical than a
realistic mood), which would be both legitimate and helpful
contributions, so that young people see the lost cause sentimentalism
for what it is, rather than for what it isn't.
But this opens, rather than concluding, the real inquiry, it seems to
me, which is about the nature of our relationship to contending
historical interpretations in the culture. The political purposes
presently being served by lost cause sentimentalism aren't quite the
same, let us say, as the anticapitalist populism of Tom Dooley or the
"12 Southerners" who authored "I'll Take My Stand." They may be no
more noble, or even as contaminated by unalloyed white supremacism,
but I can't imagine trying to prevent or forbid them any more than I
can the shallow racism of "Gone With The Wind." Claude Bowers and
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips are racist as well as brilliantly insightful,
just as Alex Haley can be stupid and dishonest as well as morally
uplifting. I never cease to appreciate the form of historic justice
that puts the honored grave of Thurgood Marshall on Robert E. Lee's
front lawn, but a view of American history that reduced Robert Lee,
and the men whose qualities he epitomized, to mere defenders of
slavery would be untruthful narrative. An essay that deals greatly
with this subject would be able to frame a truth deeper than
rhetorical denunciation can extend. | | | |
< < | For the first time since 2001, Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell? , proclaimed April as “Confederate History Month” and without mentioning slavery. Virginia is not the only state celebrating the Confederacy. Georgia, Texas and Mississippi, just to name a few, also celebrate Confederate History Month. It is somewhat reassuring that the President has openly criticized Virginia’s omission of slavery from its proclamation, considering that past Presidents reacted with silence whenever Southern States celebrated their Confederate heritage. The separation of the issues of slavery from Confederacy is not only a gross distortion of American History, but it also romanticizes an era marked with racism and human rights violations.
Governor McDonnell? soon apologized for the omission. However, he defended his initial position by stating that his intent was to honor the sacrifice of Confederate soldiers on Virginia soil and to promote tourism rather to focus on the issue of slavery. He originally chose not to mention slavery in his proclamation because he was “focused on the ones (he) thought were most significant for Virginia.” Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, was less apologetic and defended McDonnell? ’s omission of slavery claiming that the controversy was making “a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." Considering the seemingly undeniable tie of slavery and the Civil War, McDonnell? 's failure to mention slavery as a reason for the war was probably not a mere oversight. Instead, it seems to follow that, at least for McDonnell? and Barbour, the plight of Virginia’s slaves does not rank among the most significant aspects of the Civil War.
To many, the notion of celebrating the Confederate History probably sounds ludicrous. A national discussion of the Civil War’s history would be more educational than celebrating the Confederacy. Everyone should know and understand American history in it’s entirely. It is one thing to reflect, remember or mourn the human calamity that the institution of slavery brought onto America. But, celebrating the Confederacy that openly embraced slavery seems anachronistic to a 21st century America that overcame centuries of racism and even elected a black president. Perhaps this trend reflects an inherent,long existing, and suppressed racism that is simply resurfacing now.
The problem with the celebration of Confederate History Month is that it venerates the secessionist, slaveholding South. The Confederacy was a movement largely based on the buying and selling of human beings. No amount of sugar coating can change the reality that millions of slaves had their liberty and labor stolen to the benefit of white slave owners. Is this the heritage that gives Southerners so much pride?
To say that slavery was "only one" of the causes of the South’s secession from the Union is a myth. Slavery was the actual cause; other alleged causes were mere rationalizations. The following documents well demonstrates that Confederacy did not seek to protect “state rights” for their own sake, but as means to secure slavery. Fundamentally, the primary reason for secession was to maintain the institution of slavery.
Example 1: We Want No Confederacy without Slavery
Example 2:Mississippi Declaration of Secession
To honor the "principles" of the Confederacy is simply immoral. Would "Nazi Heritage Month" be tolerated in Germany? No. Governor McDonnell? ’s proclamation of Confederate History Month without mentioning slavery is like honoring German soldiers for their bravery in WWII without mentioning Nazism or the Holocaust. Today, most call Germans who fondly remember the happy memories of World War II Neo-Nazis.
Some argue that the state should celebrate Confederate Heritage in order to remember the death of thousands of Confederate soldiers. They point out that many Confederate soldiers were uneducated poor farmers trying to make a living. But we cannot focus on the individual acts of soldiers of many unjust forces in the world. Trying to make a living does not excuse their misdeeds. Those soldiers chose to defend a system of degradation called slavery, just like the Nazi soldiers were defending and perpetuating an evil genocide. The deaths of confederate soldiers do not call for celebration, only somber reflection.
The history of the Confederacy and the institution of slavery were national tragedies. Slaves were subjected to hangings, rape, murder, beatings, separation of families via auction etc. by rich and poor white Southerners alike. There is nothing to celebrate in Confederate History except the end of it. The Confederacy should be remembered, for sure, but it should not be celebrated. Rather, it should be a warning of what devastation and atrocity this country was once capable of inflicting on its own people.
People eager to participate in Confederate History Month have been flocking to Civil War reenactment sites. Since Virginia claims that Confederate History Month is a ploy to increase tourism, the following suggestions might help garner VA more visitors: enlist black actors to reenact scenes on a plantation complete with cotton picking and a white master cracking a whip on their backs. Indeed, the VA bureau of tourism might also want to have black child actors reenact scenes from the auction block with excited bidders yelling for more. And what Civil War Era reenactment would be complete without a white master/black female slave rape scene? This is the Confederacy that I know, and this is their legacy. So Virginia, put your “heritage” on display for the whole world to see.
-- KayKim - 01 Jun 2010
Revision #1 - Comments will be added soon
Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell? , proclaimed April as “Confederate History Month” for the first time since 2001. The state is not the only state celebrating the Confederacy. It is joined by its loyal Southern Buddies including Georgia, Texas and Mississippi and others. To many, the notion of celebrating the Confederate History probably sounds ludicrous. It is one thing to reflect, remember or to mourn at the great human tragedy that the institution brought onto America. But celebrating the institution that openly embraced the institution of slavery seems anachronistic to 21st century America that overcame the centuries of racism and elected a black president. Or is this just the resurfacing of the inherent racism that has been pushed under the rug for the past decades, like the Tea Party movement? On the other hand, it is somewhat reassuring that the President has openly criticized Virginia’s omission of slavery from its proclamation, considering that past Presidents reacted with silence whenever Southern States celebrated their Confederate heritage.
Governor McDonnell? soon apologized for the omission. However, he also defended his initial position by stating that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and to promote tourism rather focusing on the issue of slavery. He explained that he was “focused on the ones (he) thought were most significant for Virginia.” Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, was less apologetic. He defended McDonnell? 's omission of slavery from his proclamation claiming that the controversy over the omission was making “a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." It seems to follow that, at least for McDonnell? and Barbour, the plight of Virginia’s slaves does not rank among the most significant aspects of the civil war. It also seems as though McDonnell? 's failure to mention slavery as a reason for the war was not an oversight.
However, the separation of the issues of slavery from Confederacy is not only a gross distortion of American History, but it also romanticizes the era marked with racism and human rights tragedy. It venerates the secessionist, slaveholding South. Confederacy was a movement based on the buying and selling of human beings. No amount of sugar coating can change the reality that millions of slaves had their liberty and labor stolen to the benefit of white slave owners. Is this the heritage that gives Southerner so much pride? To say that slavery was "only one" of the causes of the South’s secession from the Union is a myth. Slavery was the actual cause and everything else was rationalization. Can we honestly and truthfully say that the Confederates were not fighting to keep black people enslaved? For those who had any doubt that secession was to keep slavery alive, the following Mississippi declaration of secession before the Civil War speaks for itself:
_''Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery -- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.'_'
After reading that, Confederate supporters would have to have a delusional view of what is honorable to claim that secession was about “states rights” not slavery.
Some however, argue that the Confederate Heritage should be celebrated in order to remember the death of hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers. They point out that many Confederate soldiers were uneducated poor farmers trying to make a living conscripted to serve and die. By focusing on the acts of individual soldiers, platoons, or even brigades, we might be able to reflect and even dare I say praise the gallantry and the sacrifice of these soldiers. But we can do that about many unjust forces in the world. The veterans of World War II, for example, abhor the Japanese Empire and its forces, but some of them acknowledge and even respect the tough mentality of Japanese soldiers, who sacrificed the future of himself and his family in order to extend the life of dying empire even for one millisecond.
However, these tragic deaths do not call for celebration at all. Just like how the Japanese Empire is criticized for sacrificing its bright loyal young people and turning them into war machines, these tragic death of the civil war call for the somber reflection of the deadly institution that the American ancestors created, which indoctrinated these young helpless men, forced them to battlefield, and made them sacrifice their lives, albeit sometimes bravely, for the cause that was thoroughly condemned a century after.
The history of Confederacy was a national tragedy. It was a tragedy for the African slaves that were subjected to hanging, rape, murder, beatings, and separation of families via auction. It was tragedy for white young Americans because it indoctrinated them into racists and forced them into battlefields, which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and maimed soldiers. It was also a tragedy for the nation at that time, since it had to go through a brutal battle and almost risk a collapse of the nation in order the Constitution to adopt the idea of racial equality. And it is a tragedy for the nation at this time because it created the legacy of racism and white supremacy that even some politicians are not afraid to accept. The heritage of Confederacy should be remembered, for sure, but it should not be celebrated. Rather, it should be a warning of what devastation and atrocity this country was once capable of inflicting on its own people.
Thank you very much for your revisions. They were very helpful and I’ve incorporated them into my
revised paper.
Confederate History Month: It’s a Celebration!
Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell? , proclaimed April as “Confederate History Month” for the first time since 2001. The two Democratic governors before him had refused to issue the proclamation sought each year by Confederate descendants. Virginia is not the only state celebrating the Confederacy. Georgia, Texas and Mississippi, just to name a few, also celebrate Confederate History Month. Prior to VA’s proclamation, I did not know that confederate history month even existed.
It is surprising that the issue of confederate history month in the states that have traditionally celebrated it has not been widely publicized in the media. President Obama made a comment that VA’s omission of slavery from its proclamation was unacceptable. I do not recall hearing statements from past Presidents when other states declared confederate history months for their jurisdictions. Regardless of whether one’s family was confederate or not, why choose to celebrate an era of oppression and inequality?
Governor McDonnell? said that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and to promote tourism. He also originally chose not to mention slavery in his proclamation, saying that he “wasn’t focused on that.” He explained that he was “focused on the ones (he) thought were most significant for Virginia.” Moreover, Mississippi’s Republican Governor, Haley Barbour, defended McDonnell? 's omission of slavery from his proclamation claiming that the controversy over the omission was making “a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." It seems to follow that, at least for McDonnell? and Barbour, the plight of Virginia’s slaves does not rank among the most significant aspects of the civil war. It also seems as though McDonnell? 's failure to mention slavery as a reason for the war was not an oversight.
A national discussion of the Civil War’s history would be more educational than celebrating the Confederacy. Everyone should know and understand American history in it’s entirely: the good, bad and ugly. Yes, it is true that Confederate soldiers died trying to protect the Confederacy. Groups like the Sons of Confederate Veterans try to publicize the ''rich heritage'' of the Confederacy. But what exactly were they trying to honor? The problem with the celebration of Confederate History Month is that it venerates the secessionist, slaveholding South. Confederacy was a movement based on the buying and selling of human beings. No amount of sugar coating can change the reality that millions of slaves had their liberty and labor stolen to the benefit of white slave owners. Is this the heritage that gives Southerner so much pride?
To say that slavery was "only one" of the causes of the South’s secession from the Union is a myth. Slavery was the actual cause and everything else was rationalization. Can we honestly and truthfully say that the Confederates were not fighting to keep black people enslaved? For those who had any doubt that secession was to keep slavery alive, the following Mississippi declaration of secession before the Civil War speaks for itself: ''Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery -- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.'' After reading that, Confederate supporters would have to have a delusional view of what is honorable to claim that secession was about “states rights” not slavery.
The cause for which the Confederacy fought should not be honored in any way. To honor the "principles" of the Confederacy is simply immoral. Would we tolerate "Apartheid Heritage Month" in South Africa or "Nazi Heritage Month" in Germany? More importantly, would the world community tolerate that? Governor McDonnell? ’s proclamation of confederate history month without mentioning slavery is like honoring German soldiers for their bravery in WWII without mentioning Nazism or the Holocaust. They call Germans who fondly remember the happy memories of World War II Neo-Nazis.
In addition, the argument that many Confederate soldiers were uneducated poor farmers trying to make a living does not excuse their misdeeds. Those soldiers chose to defend a system of degradation called slavery, just like the Nazi soldiers who fought for the Third Reich were defending and perpetuating an evil system. The South fought to keep the African-American race in lifelong servitude. And these slaves were subjected to hangings, rape, murder, beatings, separation of families via auction etc. by rich and poor white southerners alike. There is nothing to celebrate in Confederate History except the end of it. Confederate history month is not a celebration of Southern heritage. Instead it is disguising hate for so-called heritage. It’s about states that left the Union because they wanted to keep the institution of slavery.
People eager to participate in confederate history month have been flocking to Civil War reenactment sites, ready to don old-time clothing and shoot muskets for the viewing pleasure of tourists. Since Virginia claims that confederate history month is a ploy to increase tourism, the following suggestion might help garner more visitors: enlist black actors to reenact scenes on a plantation complete with cotton picking and tobacco rolling with a master on a horse cracking a whip. Indeed, the VA bureau of tourism might also want to have black child actors reenact scenes from being sold on the auction block. Don’t forget to include furious bidding! And what Civil War Era reenactment would be complete without a white master/black female slave rape scene? This is the Confederacy I know, and this is their legacy. Virginia, put your “heritage” on display for the whole world to see.
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