Law in Contemporary Society

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SkylarPolanskySecondPaper 5 - 29 Jul 2012 - Main.EbenMoglen
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No End

For me this game will never end. Time is on my side.
(996 words) (I opt for the long-term editing option for my papers)
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The strength of this writing is its evocation of emotional depth from the spare economy of its language. That's also its weakness, because we cannot be sure that we have understood the narrative it implies.

From an artistic point of view, that may not be a drawback. But in the present context, art has to join itself to science closely enough that you can be sure the reader has correctly understood the three human relationships being described, and their relationship to one another. The remaining editorial task is to eliminate ambiguity wherever possible without harming the effects that are the raison d'etre of the style.

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Revision 5r5 - 29 Jul 2012 - 16:33:26 - EbenMoglen
Revision 4r4 - 28 Apr 2012 - 21:11:52 - SkylarPolansky
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