Law in Contemporary Society

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ShawnFettyFirstPaper 4 - 02 Mar 2010 - Main.ShawnFetty
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"
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 Notes for revision.
I like stories, but the wind-up is just killing my word count.
I like a good story, but the wind-up is too long
The significance of the following is not lost on me, but I couldn't fit them into this draft:
Too much description; not enough substance.

The significance of the following is not lost on me, but I couldn't fit them into this initial draft:

 Race Japan is not nearly as racially homogenous as the Japanese often suppose it is. Of course, the largest minorities in Japan are largely indistinguishable by physical characteristics. The fact of the matter is, Japanese people believe their society is racially homogenous, and that really does a lot of work towards cementing kinship.

Revision 4r4 - 02 Mar 2010 - 05:13:31 - ShawnFetty
Revision 3r3 - 01 Mar 2010 - 07:41:05 - ShawnFetty
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