Law in Contemporary Society

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ShakedSivanSecondPaper 3 - 22 Jan 2013 - Main.IanSullivan
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondPaper"
META TOPICPARENT name="SecondPaperSpring2012"

Irony is Cool

One of the problems with joking is that other people can't always tell when the jokes are serious. Worse is when you aren't sure yourself. I started this class with an introduction that established a direct line between getting a more professional haircut and dark fears of ending up in a genteel country club. It was silly, snarky, and honestly conveyed my values and fears. The message was entirely serious but difficult to articulate in a straightforward manner, even to myself. This essay attempts to unpack my concerns.

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 I want to learn more about the world and accomplish goals based on my values and priorities. My long-term goal is to become a civil liberties lawyer, but whatever kind of work I end up dong I want to do well. If accomplishing my goals requires, as Moglen put it, improving my posture, (“Byron White would kick your ass”) then that is not too much to ask and will probably not lead to life in Stepford or Greenwich. If it requires discipline and hard work, which, tragically, it appears to, then I need to be more disciplined (especially with procrastination; even this essay is extraordinarily late) and work harder.
At the same time, I want to avoid the genuine pitfalls of those people, including shallowness, narcissism, excessive self-seriousness, condescension and the like, all of which I’ve seen in myself to varying degrees. Validation must come from internal sources, but the conventionality of some of my goals provides no reason to limit my ambition or excuse myself from trying. In truth, I needed a haircut anyway.
At the same time, I want to avoid the genuine pitfalls of those people, including shallowness, narcissism, excessive self-seriousness, condescension and the like, all of which I’ve seen in myself to varying degrees. Validation must come from internal sources? , but the conventionality of some of my goals provides no reason to limit my ambition or excuse myself from trying. In truth, I needed a haircut anyway.

Revision 3r3 - 22 Jan 2013 - 20:10:14 - IanSullivan
Revision 2r2 - 09 Aug 2012 - 01:00:07 - EbenMoglen
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