SaswatMisraFirstPaper 15 - 13 Jun 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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< < | Update (*6/12/10*) - I'm currently working on revising this paper. | > > | Update (*6/13/10*) - I've finished revising my first paper (for this round of review) | | Major Version History: | | Version 12 - My first paper with Eben's comments | |
< < | Version 13 - Outline for my revised first paper | > > | Version 13 - Outline of my revised first paper | | | |
< < | Version 14 - Working draft of my revised first paper (*in progress*) | > > | Version 14 - Draft of my revised first paper
Version 15 - Finished revised first paper | | | | I. Introduction | |
< < | Government can improve social welfare by implementing policy that encourages technical innovation. While most parties agree that private intellectual property (IP) rights (or their equivalent incentives) are a necessary part of such a policy, the exact “nature” and “degree” of such rights has proven to be highly contentious [1], [2], [3]. The balance between private and public IP rights is almost universally acknowledged to be sub-optimal, but change is hard to come by, as today’s “patent culture” is deeply embedded in United States statues and the day-to-day operation of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Therefore, most proposals to improve the balance between public and private IP rights focus only on small-scale changes.
This essay argues that patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation, and further, that this revised definition of patentability can be implemented using the current machinery of current patent law under 35 U.S.C. § 103 [4]. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount of private IP rights awarded to citizens and organizations for their inventions, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increases societal welfare, while also avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system.
II. Private IP Rights and Technical Innovation | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the social welfare of its citizenry. Among the possibilities for doing so, policies that encourage technical innovation are particularly attractive. A technical innovation, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and makes future technical innovations possible. While most parties agree that private intellectual property (IP) rights are a necessary part of such a policy, the ideal “nature” and “degree” of private IP rights is highly contentious [1], [2], [3]. | | | |
> > | This essay argues that patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation, and further, that this revised definition of patentability can be implemented using current patent law under 35 U.S.C. § 103 [4]. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount privately-owned IP, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increase societal welfare, while avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system. | | | |
< < | Private IP rights create a strong monetary incentive for people and corporations to develop new technology, which, if brought to market, can greatly increase social welfare. However, private IP rights also give rise to many undesirable effects. First, private rights prevent the public from gaining quick and cheap access to patented inventions, including invention that would have been created even without any private IP rights whatsoever. Second, private IP rights tend to concentrate research and development efforts on technologies that are “protectable” and that can be commercialized, rather than those that have the most potential to increase social welfare To avoid these pitfalls, a technology policy should to be carefully crafted to find the “sweet spot” in private IP rights. That is, the best policy is one that creates sufficient inventive incentive, while not unduly robbing the citizenry of quick and cheap access to new innovations, and while encouraging the types of innovation that are most useful to the societal welfare. | | | |
< < | III. The Current Patent System Misses the Sweet Spot | | | |
< < | Unfortunately, the current patent system fails to find the sweet spot in private IP rights. First, the current system makes no effort recognize, and deny patentability to, technologies that would have been brought to bear even without private IP rights, thereby increasing the cost of these goods to the public. Second, the current system diverts research and development resources from long-term and potentially ground-breaking, but unpatentable, innovations to short-term ideas that are only incrementally innovation, but that are patentable. Third, the current system is inefficient. A large company may spend millions of dollars a year on the “overhead” of patent litigation and prosecution, while a small company may be deterred entirely from the market due to these expenses. Finally, the current system allows inventions to be patented that an owner has no intention of actually using or otherwise making available to the public (e.g., through licensing or dedication to the public). This leads to patent stockpiling, which harms rather than helps the social welfare. | | | |
< < | While the issue described above are each serious flaws of the current patent system, many current proposals fail to address these issues entirely, and instead focus only on small-scale solutions to less serious problems (e.g., tweaking "patent-term" or limiting the number of continuing applications that can be filed). | > > | II. Private IP Rights - The Current Patent System Misses the Sweet Spot | | | |
> > | Private IP rights create a strong monetary incentive for people and organizations to develop new technology, but they can also give rise to many undesirable side effects. An ideal technology policy should therefore be carefully crafted to find a “sweet spot” in private IP rights, where inventors have a sufficient incentive to develop the types of inventions that lead to social welfare increases, but where the citizenry is not unduly robbed of quick and cheap access to those inventions. | | | |
> > | Unfortunately, the current patent system fails to find this sweet spot. First, the current system makes no effort to identify and deny patentability to technologies that would have been brought to bear even without private IP rights, and it therefore unnecessarily increases the costs of these technologies. Further, the current system fails to encourage the types of innovations that actually increase social welfare because it awards patentability to short-term technology, while denying patentability to long-term and fundamental innovations (which are inherently abstract at their early stages of development). Third, the current system is inefficient. A company may spend millions of dollars a year on the “overhead” of patent litigation and prosecution, or may be deterred entirely from entering the market due to these expenses. Finally, the current system allows inventions to be patented by owners who have no intention of actually using or otherwise making their inventions available to the public. This leads to patent stockpiling, which harms rather than helps the social welfare. | | | |
< < | IV. Platform-Based Innovation | > > | Many current proposals, perhaps out of recognition that today’s “patent culture” is deeply embedded in statute and the day-to-day operation of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), do not attempt to address these serious flaws of the current patent system. Rather, they focus on small-scale solutions to less serious problems, such as the optimal amount of "patent-term" or the number of continuing applications that an inventor may file. | | | |
< < | In order to address each of the serious flaws described in Section 3, the current patent system should be tweaked to distinguish between "platform" technology, which should be patentable, and mere "incremental" innovation, which should not be. Further, the current patent system should be changed to allow the government to buy any patented technology, at fair market value, as long as it is doing so for the public good. Under this policy, each of the major pitfalls described above would be remedied. | | | |
< < | First, the proposed policy would inherently minimize the patenting of the incremental technology that would have been developed even in the absence of private IP rights. History has shown that when technical platforms are widely available (e.g., computer software), incremental innovation happens automatically through natural human curiosity and experimentation. Second, the proposed policy would encourage long-term research and development that would lead to fundamental new “platform” technologies, which would have the largest impact on social welfare, while discouraging the expenditure of limited resources on only “incremental” innovation. Third, the proposed policy would reduce the overhead costs of obtaining and protecting patent rights. This is because fewer patent applications would be filed, and because those few patents that are granted would be sufficiently different from each other to avoid the confusion and ambiguity, fewer false patent infringement lawsuits would also be filed. Finally, the takings provision ensures that those few patents that are granted cannot be stockpiled and offered to the public at ransom prices. The government would always have the option of buying patented technology at fair market value and dedicating it to the public. | > > | III. Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
> > | To truly address these flaws, the current patent system should be altered to distinguish between "platform" technology, which should be patentable, and mere "incremental" innovation, which should not be. Further, the system should be changed to allow the government to buy any patented technology at fair market value from the patent owners. | | | |
> > | First, history has shown that when technical platforms are widely available to the public (e.g., personal computers and related software), incremental innovation happens automatically through natural human curiosity and experimentation, even without the lure of private IP rights. Therefore, the current proposal correspondingly denies protection to mere “incremental” innovation. | | | |
> > | Second, because only “platform” technology would be patentable, the proposed policy would encourage the type of long-term and fundamental research that would tend to produce such platforms, and would correspondingly discourage the expenditure of limited resources on mere “incremental” innovations. | | | |
> > | Third, the proposed policy would reduce the overhead costs of obtaining and defending patent rights. This is because, by denying patentability to incremental innovations, fewer patent applications would be filed, and further, the patents that would be granted would be sufficiently different from each other to avoid the confusion and ambiguity that currently leads to many patent infringement lawsuits. | | | |
< < | V. Implementing Platform-Based Innovation | > > | Finally, the proposed takings provision would ensure that patents could not be hidden away or offered to the public at ransom-like prices by nefarious owners, since the government would always have the option of buying the patented technology and dedicating it to the public. | | | |
< < | There is at least one relatively practical way to bring about such change. The proposed policy can be implemented under the 35 U.S.C. § 103 non-obviousness requirement of the current patent system. That is, the PTO could take the position that only "platform" based innovations are “non-obvious” in the sense of 35 U.S.C. § 103, while "incremental" innovations are always “obvious.” | | | |
< < | VI. Sources of Resistance and Corruption | | | |
< < | If the current proposal is adopted, many, many, fewer patents would issue, and these would mean less revenue for the PTO. There would likely be resistance to this idea, as Congress is fond of diverting PTO user fees for general use [5]. Further, there would be a scaling down of the multi-billion dollars enterprise that is the PTO [6]. | > > | IV. Implementing Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
> > | Although the proposed policy represents large-scale change, it could be implemented today by reinterpreting the 35 U.S.C. § 103 non-obviousness requirement of the current patent system. In particular, the PTO could take the position that only "platform" based innovations are “non-obvious,” while "incremental" innovations are always “obvious.” | | | |
< < | Further, there are many sources of corruption to be considered. First, it is not clear who would decide what is a "technical platform" is for the purposes of granting a patent. Further, it is not clear how to determine which innovations the government should buy out, or what just compensation ought to be for a untested innovation that has no established market. | > > | V. Sources of Resistance and Corruption | | | |
< < | VII. Conclusion | | | |
< < | Patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation. This revised definition of patentability can be implemented using the current machinery of current patent law under 35 U.S.C. § 103. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount of private IP rights awarded to citizens and organizations for their inventions, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increases societal welfare, while also avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system. | > > | If the current proposal is adopted, many fewer patents would issue, leading to less revenue for the PTO. There would likely be resistance to this idea, as Congress is fond of diverting PTO user fees for general use [5], [6]. Further, it is not clear how a "technical platform" could be objectively defined to avoid corruption, nor is it clear who would determine which innovations the government should buy, or what would constitute the “fair market value” for an untested product. However, these sources of resistance and corruption are similar to those that already exist in other areas of government contracting (e.g., defense contracting), and similar preventative measures could be taken in the patent realm to reduce or eliminate these sources. | | | |
> > | VI. Conclusion | | | |
> > | Patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation. This revised definition of patentability can be implemented under 35 U.S.C. § 103. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount of private IP rights awarded, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increase societal welfare, while avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system. | | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 12 June 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 13 June 2010 |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 14 - 13 Jun 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
| |
< < | Update (5/23) - I'm currently working on revising this paper. | > > | Update (*6/12/10*) - I'm currently working on revising this paper. | | | |
< < | Relevant Version History: | > > | Major Version History: | | Version 11 - My first paper
Version 12 - My first paper with Eben's comments | |
< < | Version 13 - My revised first paper (**currently in progress**) | > > | Version 13 - Outline for my revised first paper
Version 14 - Working draft of my revised first paper (*in progress*) | | | |
< < | Finding a Sweet Spot in Private IP Rights | > > | Finding the Sweet Spot in Private IP Rights
I. Introduction
Government can improve social welfare by implementing policy that encourages technical innovation. While most parties agree that private intellectual property (IP) rights (or their equivalent incentives) are a necessary part of such a policy, the exact “nature” and “degree” of such rights has proven to be highly contentious [1], [2], [3]. The balance between private and public IP rights is almost universally acknowledged to be sub-optimal, but change is hard to come by, as today’s “patent culture” is deeply embedded in United States statues and the day-to-day operation of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Therefore, most proposals to improve the balance between public and private IP rights focus only on small-scale changes.
This essay argues that patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation, and further, that this revised definition of patentability can be implemented using the current machinery of current patent law under 35 U.S.C. § 103 [4]. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount of private IP rights awarded to citizens and organizations for their inventions, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increases societal welfare, while also avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system.
II. Private IP Rights and Technical Innovation | | | |
< < | Summary of Thesis: | > > | Private IP rights create a strong monetary incentive for people and corporations to develop new technology, which, if brought to market, can greatly increase social welfare. However, private IP rights also give rise to many undesirable effects. First, private rights prevent the public from gaining quick and cheap access to patented inventions, including invention that would have been created even without any private IP rights whatsoever. Second, private IP rights tend to concentrate research and development efforts on technologies that are “protectable” and that can be commercialized, rather than those that have the most potential to increase social welfare To avoid these pitfalls, a technology policy should to be carefully crafted to find the “sweet spot” in private IP rights. That is, the best policy is one that creates sufficient inventive incentive, while not unduly robbing the citizenry of quick and cheap access to new innovations, and while encouraging the types of innovation that are most useful to the societal welfare. | | | |
< < | (1) - The current patent system fails to strike the right balance between private and public intellectual rights, and therefore fails to properly disseminate technical innovation so as to increase social welfare | | | |
< < | (2) - A better balance could be reached if the patent system distinguished between "platform" technology, which should be patentable (and subject to mandatory "takings" with just compensation by the gov't) and "incremental" innovation, which should not be patentable | > > | III. The Current Patent System Misses the Sweet Spot | | | |
< < | (3) - The current patent system can implement the proposed policy change through the Section 103 "non-obviousness" requirement for patentability (while a ground-up solution would obviously be more desirable, it is less realistic) | > > | Unfortunately, the current patent system fails to find the sweet spot in private IP rights. First, the current system makes no effort recognize, and deny patentability to, technologies that would have been brought to bear even without private IP rights, thereby increasing the cost of these goods to the public. Second, the current system diverts research and development resources from long-term and potentially ground-breaking, but unpatentable, innovations to short-term ideas that are only incrementally innovation, but that are patentable. Third, the current system is inefficient. A large company may spend millions of dollars a year on the “overhead” of patent litigation and prosecution, while a small company may be deterred entirely from the market due to these expenses. Finally, the current system allows inventions to be patented that an owner has no intention of actually using or otherwise making available to the public (e.g., through licensing or dedication to the public). This leads to patent stockpiling, which harms rather than helps the social welfare. | | | |
> > | While the issue described above are each serious flaws of the current patent system, many current proposals fail to address these issues entirely, and instead focus only on small-scale solutions to less serious problems (e.g., tweaking "patent-term" or limiting the number of continuing applications that can be filed). | | | |
< < | I. Technical Innovation Improves Social Welfare | | | |
< < |
- Insert an edited version of the first paragraph from my first draft of this essay here
| | | |
< < | II. The Trade-Off Between Private and Public IP Rights | > > | IV. Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
< < |
- In encouraging technical innovation, there is a trade-off between private and public IP rights
- Create an inventive incentive, but don't unduly rob the citizenry of quick and cheap access (and don't distort the way in which technical innovation is done!)
- One extreme - such rights should be temporary and highly-limited. For example, private IP rights would last for short period of time, or would be in the form of a large payout from the government to work on a project (i.e., "pseudo rights")
- The other extreme - rights should be all but absolute. Long or infinite rights, little government intervention, etc.
- Virtually everyone agrees that maximizing technical innovation requires some degree of private ownership rights (or incentives that are equivalent to private rights - "pseudo rights" and profitability), but the appropriate degree of rights is highly contentious (for example, Eben believes that such rights should be a very small fraction of what they are today)
- The patent system is an attempt to strike the right balance between private rights and public rights
| > > | In order to address each of the serious flaws described in Section 3, the current patent system should be tweaked to distinguish between "platform" technology, which should be patentable, and mere "incremental" innovation, which should not be. Further, the current patent system should be changed to allow the government to buy any patented technology, at fair market value, as long as it is doing so for the public good. Under this policy, each of the major pitfalls described above would be remedied. | | | |
< < | III. The Patent Office | > > | First, the proposed policy would inherently minimize the patenting of the incremental technology that would have been developed even in the absence of private IP rights. History has shown that when technical platforms are widely available (e.g., computer software), incremental innovation happens automatically through natural human curiosity and experimentation. Second, the proposed policy would encourage long-term research and development that would lead to fundamental new “platform” technologies, which would have the largest impact on social welfare, while discouraging the expenditure of limited resources on only “incremental” innovation. Third, the proposed policy would reduce the overhead costs of obtaining and protecting patent rights. This is because fewer patent applications would be filed, and because those few patents that are granted would be sufficiently different from each other to avoid the confusion and ambiguity, fewer false patent infringement lawsuits would also be filed. Finally, the takings provision ensures that those few patents that are granted cannot be stockpiled and offered to the public at ransom prices. The government would always have the option of buying patented technology at fair market value and dedicating it to the public. | | | |
< < |
- The patent system fails to find the sweet spot in private IP rights
- 20 years - no matter what. Highly suboptimal
- The patent system distorts the process innovation
- resources that could go to R&D are diverted to patent litigation and prosecution
- resources that could go to long-term and fundamental innovation (which is often unpatentable) are diverted instead to short-term ideas that are patentable
- Leads to stockpiling without intention to use
- Inhibits sharing and collaboration
- While the above issues are certainly sub-optimalities, many current proposals (e.g., adjusting "patent-term") amount to small-scale solutions for a large-scale problem
| | | |
< < | IV. The Sweet Spot - Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
< < |
- A more appropriate way to slice private and public IP rights would be to distinguish between "platform" technology, which should be patentable (though subject to mandatory "takings" by the gov't) and "incremental" innovation, which should not be patentable.
- in technical areas where the platforms are widely available (e.g., computer software), the "incremental" innovation happens automatically through natural human curiosity and experimentation - there is little or no need to provide private IP rights
- but building platforms are typically resource intensive and require the profit-motive (e.g., the cellular network, etc.)
- therefore, the gov't should grant private IP rights so as to create platforms, but then buy out these platforms and make them available to the public
- there is no need to grant private IP rights to encourage "incremental" innovation
| | | |
< < | V. A Proposed Implementation
- This is a fairly drastic call for change, and will not be adopted overnight (see Section VI for sources of resistance)
- The practical way to bring about change - implement change through the Section 103 non-obviousness requirement of the current patent system to better capture the trade-off between private and public IP rights
- i.e., by reinterpreting Section 103, "platform"-based innovation can be deemed non-obvious (and therefore patentable), while "incremental" innovation can be deemed obvious (and therefore unpatentable)
- Although a ground up approach would be better - not as realistic at the current time
| > > | V. Implementing Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
< < | VI. Anticipated Consequences and Sources of Resistance | | | |
< < |
- Many, many, fewer patents would issue - less revenue for the USPTO
- Where does the money collected by the PTO currently go? is it funneled to the general US treasury?
- if so, there is likely to be much resistance...
- Who decides what is a "technical platform" for the purposes of granting a patent?
- Source of corruption - who decides what platforms the government is willing to buy out? How do we determine just compensation? (not as clear as with real-property based takings)
| > > | There is at least one relatively practical way to bring about such change. The proposed policy can be implemented under the 35 U.S.C. § 103 non-obviousness requirement of the current patent system. That is, the PTO could take the position that only "platform" based innovations are “non-obvious” in the sense of 35 U.S.C. § 103, while "incremental" innovations are always “obvious.” | | | |
> > | VI. Sources of Resistance and Corruption | | | |
> > | If the current proposal is adopted, many, many, fewer patents would issue, and these would mean less revenue for the PTO. There would likely be resistance to this idea, as Congress is fond of diverting PTO user fees for general use [5]. Further, there would be a scaling down of the multi-billion dollars enterprise that is the PTO [6]. | | | |
> > | Further, there are many sources of corruption to be considered. First, it is not clear who would decide what is a "technical platform" is for the purposes of granting a patent. Further, it is not clear how to determine which innovations the government should buy out, or what just compensation ought to be for a untested innovation that has no established market. | | VII. Conclusion | |
> > | Patent rights should be recognized only for “platform” technology, and not for mere “incremental” innovation. This revised definition of patentability can be implemented using the current machinery of current patent law under 35 U.S.C. § 103. Although the proposed policy would dramatically reduce the overall amount of private IP rights awarded to citizens and organizations for their inventions, it would likely encourage the actual kinds of innovation that increases societal welfare, while also avoiding many of the negative side effects of the current patent system. | | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 23 May 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 12 June 2010 |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 13 - 23 May 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
| |
< < | Improving Quality-of-Life through...Patents? | > > |
Update (5/23) - I'm currently working on revising this paper. | | | |
> > | Relevant Version History: | | | |
< < | I. Improving Quality-of-Life through Technical Innovation | > > | Version 11 - My first paper | | | |
< < | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, policies that encourage technical innovation are particularly attractive. A technical innovation, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and may further enable additional technical innovations in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, as one part of an overall strategy to maximize aggregate quality-of-life, government should implement policies that disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost of doing so. | > > | Version 12 - My first paper with Eben's comments | | | |
< < | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | > > | Version 13 - My revised first paper (**currently in progress**) | | | |
< < | Also the innovation lost
as a result of the exclusionary mode of production and distribution,
including anti-commons failures, inhibition of sharing and
collaboration, and parasitic rent-seeking. Also the misallocation of
resources towards less important or socially valuable activities that
are patentable than other activities that cannot generate monopoly
rents. | > > | | | | |
> > | Finding a Sweet Spot in Private IP Rights | | | |
< < | II. The Constitution's Approach: Patents | | | |
< < | Interestingly, the Constitution appears to have a vision of how the otherwise broad and aesthetic goal described above (i.e., implementing policy to disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost) should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to: | > > | Summary of Thesis: | | | |
> > | (1) - The current patent system fails to strike the right balance between private and public intellectual rights, and therefore fails to properly disseminate technical innovation so as to increase social welfare | | | |
< < | "promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . .
inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries." | > > | (2) - A better balance could be reached if the patent system distinguished between "platform" technology, which should be patentable (and subject to mandatory "takings" with just compensation by the gov't) and "incremental" innovation, which should not be patentable | | | |
> > | (3) - The current patent system can implement the proposed policy change through the Section 103 "non-obviousness" requirement for patentability (while a ground-up solution would obviously be more desirable, it is less realistic) | | | |
< < | First, this clause suggests that the above-described goal should be achieved through private IP-rights, i.e., patents, as is evident from the words "securing," "exclusive," and "their." Second, the phrase "securing for limited [time]" suggests that the above-described goal is solved simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time during which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to the point where an inventor receives just enough incentive to invest her resources into creating new innovations. Turning the knob any further than necessary would, of course, award too much patent-term and therefore unduly increase the societal cost associated with the patent. | > > | I. Technical Innovation Improves Social Welfare | | | |
< < | No, this is
retrospective ahistorical analysis. As I have previously pointed out
in numerous places, in its late eighteenth-century context, this
provision allows Congress to permit otherwise noxious social conduct
for the purpose of encouraging immigration. | > > |
- Insert an edited version of the first paragraph from my first draft of this essay here
| | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how far to turn the knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should seemingly depend on a large number of factors, including: the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would have been developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent also matters (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?). Further, patent-term should be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (Consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | | | |
< < | Which should be a clue
that this isn't the policy of the legislation in the first
place. | > > | II. The Trade-Off Between Private and Public IP Rights | | | |
< < | III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy?
Admittedly, it would be difficult or impossible to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the (mere sampling of) relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes no effort to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. | > > |
- In encouraging technical innovation, there is a trade-off between private and public IP rights
- Create an inventive incentive, but don't unduly rob the citizenry of quick and cheap access (and don't distort the way in which technical innovation is done!)
- One extreme - such rights should be temporary and highly-limited. For example, private IP rights would last for short period of time, or would be in the form of a large payout from the government to work on a project (i.e., "pseudo rights")
- The other extreme - rights should be all but absolute. Long or infinite rights, little government intervention, etc.
- Virtually everyone agrees that maximizing technical innovation requires some degree of private ownership rights (or incentives that are equivalent to private rights - "pseudo rights" and profitability), but the appropriate degree of rights is highly contentious (for example, Eben believes that such rights should be a very small fraction of what they are today)
- The patent system is an attempt to strike the right balance between private rights and public rights
| | | |
< < | You seem to be
suggesting that the PTO has some discretion in this matter, which it
does not. The term is statutory. | | | |
< < | The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems unsound policy to award the same 20 years of patent-term to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | III. The Patent Office | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at the eventual expense of the public, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (and their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | > > |
- The patent system fails to find the sweet spot in private IP rights
- 20 years - no matter what. Highly suboptimal
- The patent system distorts the process innovation
- resources that could go to R&D are diverted to patent litigation and prosecution
- resources that could go to long-term and fundamental innovation (which is often unpatentable) are diverted instead to short-term ideas that are patentable
- Leads to stockpiling without intention to use
- Inhibits sharing and collaboration
- While the above issues are certainly sub-optimalities, many current proposals (e.g., adjusting "patent-term") amount to small-scale solutions for a large-scale problem
| | | |
< < | This argument bears no
relationship to the realities of the two industries (pharmaceuticals
and digital information technology) that actually make significant
use of the patent system, which has become vestigial over trade
secrecy for almost all other lines of
commerce. | > > | IV. The Sweet Spot - Platform-Based Innovation | | | |
< < | IV. Towards a Solution | > > |
- A more appropriate way to slice private and public IP rights would be to distinguish between "platform" technology, which should be patentable (though subject to mandatory "takings" by the gov't) and "incremental" innovation, which should not be patentable.
- in technical areas where the platforms are widely available (e.g., computer software), the "incremental" innovation happens automatically through natural human curiosity and experimentation - there is little or no need to provide private IP rights
- but building platforms are typically resource intensive and require the profit-motive (e.g., the cellular network, etc.)
- therefore, the gov't should grant private IP rights so as to create platforms, but then buy out these platforms and make them available to the public
- there is no need to grant private IP rights to encourage "incremental" innovation
| | | |
< < | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality-of-life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are merely
"patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | | | |
< < | You don't consider the
actual, elegant and optimal solution: the abolition of patent law
altogether. | > > | V. A Proposed Implementation
- This is a fairly drastic call for change, and will not be adopted overnight (see Section VI for sources of resistance)
- The practical way to bring about change - implement change through the Section 103 non-obviousness requirement of the current patent system to better capture the trade-off between private and public IP rights
- i.e., by reinterpreting Section 103, "platform"-based innovation can be deemed non-obvious (and therefore patentable), while "incremental" innovation can be deemed obvious (and therefore unpatentable)
- Although a ground up approach would be better - not as realistic at the current time
| | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 6 March 2010
| > > | VI. Anticipated Consequences and Sources of Resistance | | | |
< < | I am skeptical of your
skepticism. It isn't based on the strongest available arguments. It
doesn't reflect realities of the industries actually using the patent
system. It doesn't treat the economics accurately (even right-wing
economists would have observed that patents are equivalent from an
"incentives" point of view to a direct reward system for inventions,
which is actually the system we employ in the fully-socialized
biomedical research sector where we are outstandingly innovative).
It gets the history fundamentally wrong. It fails to distinguish the
roles of the Congress and the PTO, thus missing the primary sources
of corruption in both institutions. It makes no analysis of the
actual costs of the system, which it inaccurately summarizes at the
beginning and never discusses again. In short, it seems to me, this
is propaganda for the system dressed up as skepticism: it creates a
straw man for the forces of ownership gleefully to knock over. | > > |
- Many, many, fewer patents would issue - less revenue for the USPTO
- Where does the money collected by the PTO currently go? is it funneled to the general US treasury?
- if so, there is likely to be much resistance...
- Who decides what is a "technical platform" for the purposes of granting a patent?
- Source of corruption - who decides what platforms the government is willing to buy out? How do we determine just compensation? (not as clear as with real-property based takings)
| | | |
< < | You need to decide whether the essay is shilling for the owners or
not. If it is, it should eat the same dogfood the owners offer in
all the other venues. If it isn't, you need to deal with the real
issues instead of phony ones. | | | |
< < | | | \ No newline at end of file | |
> > |
VII. Conclusion
-- By SaswatMisra - 23 May 2010 |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 12 - 06 Apr 2010 - Main.EbenMoglen
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
Improving Quality-of-Life through...Patents? | | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | |
> > | Also the innovation lost
as a result of the exclusionary mode of production and distribution,
including anti-commons failures, inhibition of sharing and
collaboration, and parasitic rent-seeking. Also the misallocation of
resources towards less important or socially valuable activities that
are patentable than other activities that cannot generate monopoly
rents. | | | | First, this clause suggests that the above-described goal should be achieved through private IP-rights, i.e., patents, as is evident from the words "securing," "exclusive," and "their." Second, the phrase "securing for limited [time]" suggests that the above-described goal is solved simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time during which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to the point where an inventor receives just enough incentive to invest her resources into creating new innovations. Turning the knob any further than necessary would, of course, award too much patent-term and therefore unduly increase the societal cost associated with the patent. | |
> > | No, this is
retrospective ahistorical analysis. As I have previously pointed out
in numerous places, in its late eighteenth-century context, this
provision allows Congress to permit otherwise noxious social conduct
for the purpose of encouraging immigration. | | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how far to turn the knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should seemingly depend on a large number of factors, including: the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would have been developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent also matters (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?). Further, patent-term should be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (Consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | |
> > | Which should be a clue
that this isn't the policy of the legislation in the first
place. | | III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy? | |
< < | Admittedly, it would be difficult or impossible to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the (mere sampling of) relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes no effort to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems unsound policy to award the same 20 years of patent-term to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | Admittedly, it would be difficult or impossible to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the (mere sampling of) relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes no effort to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at the eventual expense of the public, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (and their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | > > | You seem to be
suggesting that the PTO has some discretion in this matter, which it
does not. The term is statutory. | | | |
> > | The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems unsound policy to award the same 20 years of patent-term to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits.
Under this system, some patent owners gain, at the eventual expense of the public, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (and their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | | | |
> > | This argument bears no
relationship to the realities of the two industries (pharmaceuticals
and digital information technology) that actually make significant
use of the patent system, which has become vestigial over trade
secrecy for almost all other lines of
commerce. | | IV. Towards a Solution
Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality-of-life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are merely
"patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | |
> > | You don't consider the
actual, elegant and optimal solution: the abolition of patent law
altogether. | | -- By SaswatMisra - 6 March 2010
| |
< < |
| > > | I am skeptical of your
skepticism. It isn't based on the strongest available arguments. It
doesn't reflect realities of the industries actually using the patent
system. It doesn't treat the economics accurately (even right-wing
economists would have observed that patents are equivalent from an
"incentives" point of view to a direct reward system for inventions,
which is actually the system we employ in the fully-socialized
biomedical research sector where we are outstandingly innovative).
It gets the history fundamentally wrong. It fails to distinguish the
roles of the Congress and the PTO, thus missing the primary sources
of corruption in both institutions. It makes no analysis of the
actual costs of the system, which it inaccurately summarizes at the
beginning and never discusses again. In short, it seems to me, this
is propaganda for the system dressed up as skepticism: it creates a
straw man for the forces of ownership gleefully to knock over.
You need to decide whether the essay is shilling for the owners or
not. If it is, it should eat the same dogfood the owners offer in
all the other venues. If it isn't, you need to deal with the real
issues instead of phony ones. | | | |
< < | # * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = TWikiAdminGroup, SaswatMisra
Align right
| > > | | | \ No newline at end of file |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 11 - 06 Mar 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
Improving Quality-of-Life through...Patents?
I. Improving Quality-of-Life through Technical Innovation | |
< < | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, policies that encourage technical innovation are particularly attractive. A technical innovation, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and may further enable additional technical innovations in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to maximize aggregate quality-of-life, government should implement policies that disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost of doing so. | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, policies that encourage technical innovation are particularly attractive. A technical innovation, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and may further enable additional technical innovations in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, as one part of an overall strategy to maximize aggregate quality-of-life, government should implement policies that disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost of doing so. | | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | | | |
< < | First, this clause suggests that the above-described goal should be achieved through private IP-rights, i.e., patents, as is evident from the words "securing," "exclusive," and "their." Second, through the phrase "securing for limited [time]," this clause suggests that the above-described goal is solved simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time during which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to the point where an inventor receives just enough incentive to invest her resources into creating new innovations. Turning the knob any further than necessary would, of course, award too much patent-term and therefore unduly increase the societal cost associated with the patent. | > > | First, this clause suggests that the above-described goal should be achieved through private IP-rights, i.e., patents, as is evident from the words "securing," "exclusive," and "their." Second, the phrase "securing for limited [time]" suggests that the above-described goal is solved simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time during which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to the point where an inventor receives just enough incentive to invest her resources into creating new innovations. Turning the knob any further than necessary would, of course, award too much patent-term and therefore unduly increase the societal cost associated with the patent. | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how far to turn the knob in practice. For starters, the amount of patent-term awarded should depend on the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would have been developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent also matters (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?). Further, patent-term should be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (Consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | > > | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how far to turn the knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should seemingly depend on a large number of factors, including: the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would have been developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent also matters (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?). Further, patent-term should be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (Consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | |
III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy? | |
< < | Admittedly, it would be difficult to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the sampling of relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems sub-optimal that the same 20 years of patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | Admittedly, it would be difficult or impossible to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the (mere sampling of) relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes no effort to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems unsound policy to award the same 20 years of patent-term to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at public expense, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | > > | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at the eventual expense of the public, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (and their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | | | | "patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 3 March 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 6 March 2010 | |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 10 - 04 Mar 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
Improving Quality-of-Life through...Patents?
I. Improving Quality-of-Life through Technical Innovation | |
< < | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive option. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost, in order to increase the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry, | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, policies that encourage technical innovation are particularly attractive. A technical innovation, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and may further enable additional technical innovations in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to maximize aggregate quality-of-life, government should implement policies that disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost of doing so. | | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | | II. The Constitution's Approach: Patents | |
< < | Interestingly, the Constitution appears to have a vision of how the otherwise open-ended and aesthetic goal described above (i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost) should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to: | > > | Interestingly, the Constitution appears to have a vision of how the otherwise broad and aesthetic goal described above (i.e., implementing policy to disseminate as much technical innovation to as many people as possible, while minimizing the related societal cost) should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to: | | | |
< < | “promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.” | | | |
< < | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause recasts the goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality-of-life through technical innovation is apparently done simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot," at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | > > | "promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . .
inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries." | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the knob in practice. For starters, the amount of patent-term awarded should depend on the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would likely be developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?) would matter. Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (For example, consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | > > |
First, this clause suggests that the above-described goal should be achieved through private IP-rights, i.e., patents, as is evident from the words "securing," "exclusive," and "their." Second, through the phrase "securing for limited [time]," this clause suggests that the above-described goal is solved simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time during which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to the point where an inventor receives just enough incentive to invest her resources into creating new innovations. Turning the knob any further than necessary would, of course, award too much patent-term and therefore unduly increase the societal cost associated with the patent.
Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how far to turn the knob in practice. For starters, the amount of patent-term awarded should depend on the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would have been developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent also matters (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?). Further, patent-term should be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (Consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | |
III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy? | |
< < | Admittedly, it would be difficult to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. 20 years seems pretty arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years are awarded to a brilliant small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | Admittedly, it would be difficult to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the sampling of relevant factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards a patent-term of 20 years to every issued patent. The choice of 20 years seems arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years would be awarded to a small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems sub-optimal that the same 20 years of patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at public expense, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the expense and hassle of dealing with the USPTO, and threat being slapped with a possible patent-infringement lawsuit ([2]). | > > | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at public expense, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the potentially inadequate patent-term that awaits them (their incentive is further reduced by other artifacts of the patent system, including the expense of dealing with the USPTO and the threat facing a strategically-filed patent-infringement lawsuit if their invention threatens one of the mega-corporations ([2])). | |
IV. Towards a Solution
Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality-of-life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are merely | |
< < | "patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, has to be more elegant than that. | > > | "patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | |
-- By SaswatMisra - 3 March 2010 | |
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SaswatMisraFirstPaper 9 - 03 Mar 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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< < | Improving Quality of Life with...Patents? | > > | Improving Quality-of-Life through...Patents? | | | |
< < | I. Improving Quality-of-Life with Technical Innovation | > > | I. Improving Quality-of-Life through Technical Innovation | | | |
< < | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive option. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive option. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost, in order to increase the aggregate quality-of-life of its citizenry, | | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | | II. The Constitution's Approach: Patents | |
< < | Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal "should" be achieved. In particular, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to: | > > | Interestingly, the Constitution appears to have a vision of how the otherwise open-ended and aesthetic goal described above (i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost) should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to: | | “promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.” | |
< < | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause reduces the goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently done simply by dialing a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot" at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | > > | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause recasts the goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality-of-life through technical innovation is apparently done simply by turning a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot," at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term could possibly take into account additional factors such as the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" so as to scare potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the troubling scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations, even though she is often in the best position to do so. (For example, consider a hypothetical publicly-owned corporation that patents a drug to keep a cancer patient alive at the cost of constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive while allowing him to feel no pain?) | > > | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the knob in practice. For starters, the amount of patent-term awarded should depend on the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would likely be developed by another inventor. The intended use of the patent (does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" to scare potential competitors from entering her market?) would matter. Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted downward in a scenario where the grant of a patent eliminates an inventor's incentive to develop still-better innovations, especially when she is in the best position to do so. (For example, consider a hypothetical corporation that corners the market by patenting a drug that can keep a patient alive, albeit with constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive with no pain?) | |
III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy? | |
< < | Admittedly, it would be challenging to perfectly adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. 20 years seems pretty arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years are awarded to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who may then “burn” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | Admittedly, it would be difficult to perfectly adjust the knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. 20 years seems pretty arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years are awarded to a brilliant small-time inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who then “loses” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners make billions in excess of what would have been necessary to foster in them an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, naturally inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations are subject to strategically filed and frivolous patent infringement lawsuits, which divert their scarce resources away from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | > > | Under this system, some patent owners gain, at public expense, billions of dollars over what would have been necessary to create an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, truly inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations have little incentive to create, given the expense and hassle of dealing with the USPTO, and threat being slapped with a possible patent-infringement lawsuit ([2]). | |
IV. Towards a Solution | |
< < | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality of life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) certainly seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive to me. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are simply
"patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The real solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | > > | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality-of-life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are merely
"patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The best solution, whatever it may be, has to be more elegant than that. | | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 2 March 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 3 March 2010 | |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 8 - 02 Mar 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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< < | Technical Innovation and the Patent System | > > | Improving Quality of Life with...Patents? | | | |
< < | I. Increasing Quality-of-Life using Technical Innovation | > > | I. Improving Quality-of-Life with Technical Innovation | | | |
< < | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive way to realize quality of life increases. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low on-going cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive option. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low recurring cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly than the last, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | | | |
< < | Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should account for opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred due to: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent baseline, as well as (b) the “excess” above-market price of the innovation after it has emerged but during which the citizenry’s access to it is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | > > | Technical innovation comes in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal cost includes: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent "earliest-possible time," as well as (b) the “excess” cost of the innovation relative to its natural market price during the time period in which access to the invention is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | | | | “promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.” | |
< < | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause reduces the multi-faceted goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot" at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | > > | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause reduces the goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently done simply by dialing a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot" at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term could possibly take into account additional factors such as the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" so as to scare potential competitors from even entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations, at least, while her patent is covered by patent-term. (For example, consider a hypothetical publicly-owned corporation that patents a drug to keep cancer patients alive but with moderate discomfort - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a new drug to keep the same patients alive, but with no discomfort?) | > > | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term could possibly take into account additional factors such as the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" so as to scare potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the troubling scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations, even though she is often in the best position to do so. (For example, consider a hypothetical publicly-owned corporation that patents a drug to keep a cancer patient alive at the cost of constant physical pain - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a better drug that can keep the same patient alive while allowing him to feel no pain?) | | | |
< < | III. The Patent Office - A Poor Implementation of a Bad Policy?
It would without a doubt be laborious to adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes absolutely no effort to do so. Rather, the USPTO arbitrarily awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, a patent-term of 20 years is awarded to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who may then “burn” many years of his patent-term as he attempts to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | III. The Patent Office - Poorly Implementing Misguided Policy?
Admittedly, it would be challenging to perfectly adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. Still, it is surprising that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not make even a rough attempt to do so. Instead, the USPTO awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. 20 years seems pretty arbitrary. Under this rule, 20 years are awarded to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who may then “burn” many of these precious years attempting to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | Under this system, some patent owners make billions in excess of what would have been necessary to foster in them an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, naturally inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations are subject to strategically filed and frivolous patent infringement lawsuits, which divert their scarce resources away from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | | "patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The real solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 1 March 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 2 March 2010 | |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 7 - 01 Mar 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
Technical Innovation and the Patent System | |
< < | I. Quality-of-Life and Technical Innovation | > > | I. Increasing Quality-of-Life using Technical Innovation | | | |
< < | Government should implement policy that maximizes the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, subject to its available resources. Technical advancements are an attractive way for government to realize such quality of life increases. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low on-going cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded in order to realize a corresponding continual increase in quality of life) and further builds a foundation for future technical advancements (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has built on the generation of microprocessors that came before it). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | > > | Government should implement policies that maximize the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry subject to its available resources. Among the possibilities for doing so, technical advancements are a particularly attractive way to realize quality of life increases. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low on-going cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded) and further enables additional technical advancements in the future (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has arrived more quickly, in part because of the knowledge gained in building the previous generation of microprocessors). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | | | |
< < | Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should account for opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred when an innovation is not created or is not disseminated, as rapidly and cheaply as possible, to the citizenry. Components of opportunity cost should include both the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge, as well as “excess” cost of the innovation after it has emerged, but during which the citizenry’s access to the innovation is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP)-rights). | > > | Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should account for opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred due to: (a) the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge relative to some inherent baseline, as well as (b) the “excess” above-market price of the innovation after it has emerged but during which the citizenry’s access to it is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP) rights). | |
II. The Constitution's Approach: Patents | |
< < | Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal may be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to
“promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.”
First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP rights (i.e., patents) apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, the clause takes the multi-faceted goal described above and reduces it into a simple, one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time over which an inventor enjoys “exclusive right[s]” to her innovation) to a sweet spot, the point at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. To give her any additional patent-term beyond this would be to unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations. | > > | Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal "should" be achieved. In particular, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to: | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term would possibly take into account the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her “stockpile,” useful only for scaring potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent (say, on a drug on that keeps a cancer patient alive for his entire natural life, but with moderate discomfort) that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations (say, a drug that keeps the same patient alive, but with no discomfort) during the time that her patent is in-force. | > > | “promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.” | | | |
> > | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP-rights, i.e., patents, apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, this clause reduces the multi-faceted goal described above into a simple one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time for which a patent owner enjoys private and exclusive rights to her innovation) to a "sweet spot" at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. (To give her any additional patent-term would, of course, unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.) | | | |
> > | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term could possibly take into account additional factors such as the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her "stockpile" so as to scare potential competitors from even entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations, at least, while her patent is covered by patent-term. (For example, consider a hypothetical publicly-owned corporation that patents a drug to keep cancer patients alive but with moderate discomfort - what is this corporation's financial incentive to develop a new drug to keep the same patients alive, but with no discomfort?) | | | |
< < | III. The Patent Office - A Poor Implementation of Bad Policy? | > > | III. The Patent Office - A Poor Implementation of a Bad Policy? | | | |
< < | It would no doubt be expensive and laborious to adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes absolutely no attempt to do so, even in a coarse or approximate way. Rather, the USPTO arbitrarily awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, the patent-term awarded to a brilliant, small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who “burns” many years of patent-term as he secures production and marketing for his invention, is 20 years. It seems illogical that the exact same patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | It would without a doubt be laborious to adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes absolutely no effort to do so. Rather, the USPTO arbitrarily awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, a patent-term of 20 years is awarded to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who may then “burn” many years of his patent-term as he attempts to secure production and marketing for his invention. It seems illogical that the same patent-term, 20 years, would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners make billions in excess of what is necessary to create an inventive incentive ([1]). On the other hand, inventive but resource-strapped small companies are subject to frivolously-filed patent infringement lawsuits which divert their scarce resources from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | > > | Under this system, some patent owners make billions in excess of what would have been necessary to foster in them an "inventive incentive" ([1]). On the other hand, naturally inventive but resource-strapped individuals and small organizations are subject to strategically filed and frivolous patent infringement lawsuits, which divert their scarce resources away from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | |
IV. Towards a Solution | |
< < | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally improves quality of life through technical innovation?). To me, it seems that the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) is wrong. A different approach calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Yet another approach, of my own thinking but likely not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these “patchwork” solutions are not appealing. At a minimum, they are susceptible to special interests or are Constitutionally problematic. The solution, whatever it may be, is probably a simple and elegant one. | > > | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally encourages technical innovation so as to improve the aggregate quality of life?), but the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) certainly seems misguided. One alternative proposal calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Another approach, of my own thinking but certainly not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these approaches are unimpressive to me. In addition to being susceptible to corruptive influences and findings of unconstitutionality, they are simply
"patchwork" solutions based on the existing patent system. The real solution, whatever it may be, is probably more elegant than that. | | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 28 Feb 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 1 March 2010 | |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 6 - 28 Feb 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
Technical Innovation and the Patent System | |
< < | I. Increasing Quality-of-Life Through Innovation | > > | I. Quality-of-Life and Technical Innovation | | | |
< < | Government should implement policy that maximizes the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, subject to its available resources. Technical advancements are a particularly attractive way for government to realize quality of life increases, as a particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low running cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded in order to realize a corresponding continual increase in quality of life) and further builds a foundation for future technical advancements (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has built on the generation of microprocessors that came before it). Therefore, it makes sense for government to implement policies that encourage technical advancements (or “innovations”). Broadly speaking, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost. | > > | Government should implement policy that maximizes the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, subject to its available resources. Technical advancements are an attractive way for government to realize such quality of life increases. A particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low on-going cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded in order to realize a corresponding continual increase in quality of life) and further builds a foundation for future technical advancements (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has built on the generation of microprocessors that came before it). Therefore, to increase the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical advancements ("innovations") to the most people at the least societal cost. | | | |
< < | Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should include opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred when an innovation is not created, or is not disseminated as rapidly and cheaply as possible to the citizenry. Components of opportunity cost should include both the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge, as well as “excess” cost of the innovation after it has emerged, but during which the citizenry’s access to the innovation is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP)-rights). | > > | Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should account for opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred when an innovation is not created or is not disseminated, as rapidly and cheaply as possible, to the citizenry. Components of opportunity cost should include both the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge, as well as “excess” cost of the innovation after it has emerged, but during which the citizenry’s access to the innovation is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP)-rights). | | | |
< < | II. The Constitution's Approach - The Patent System | > > | II. The Constitution's Approach: Patents | | | |
< < | Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to | > > | Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal may be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to | | “promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.” | |
< < | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP rights (i.e., patents) apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, the clause takes the multi-faceted goal described above and reduces it into a simple, one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time over which the inventor enjoys “exclusive right[s]” to her innovation) to a sweet spot, the point at which the inventor receives just enough patent term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. To give her any additional patent term beyond this would be to unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations. | > > | First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP rights (i.e., patents) apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, the clause takes the multi-faceted goal described above and reduces it into a simple, one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time over which an inventor enjoys “exclusive right[s]” to her innovation) to a sweet spot, the point at which the inventor receives just enough patent-term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. To give her any additional patent-term beyond this would be to unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations. | | | |
< < | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term would possibly take into account the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to market, or is she simply going to add it to her “stockpile,” useful only for scaring potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent (say, on a drug on that keeps a cancer patient alive for his entire natural life, but with moderate discomfort), and that therefore eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations (say, a drug that keeps the same patient alive, but with no discomfort) during the time that her patent is in-force. | > > | Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term would possibly take into account the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to bear, or is she simply going to add it to her “stockpile,” useful only for scaring potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent-term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent (say, on a drug on that keeps a cancer patient alive for his entire natural life, but with moderate discomfort) that eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations (say, a drug that keeps the same patient alive, but with no discomfort) during the time that her patent is in-force. | |
III. The Patent Office - A Poor Implementation of Bad Policy? | |
< < | It would be expensive and difficult to determine how to adjust the knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that not even a crude attempt is made to do so. Instead, the United States Patent and Trademark Office arbitrarily mandates that every issued patent shall be awarded a patent term of 20 years from the date on which the innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, the patent-term issued to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who “loses” many years of patent-term as he secures production and marketing for his invention, is 20 years. It seems illogical that the same patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation for a product created using the minimal effort of an assembly-line corporate “invention” process, for a patent that predictably and immediately generates millions of dollars in daily profits. | > > | It would no doubt be expensive and laborious to adjust the patent-term knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) makes absolutely no attempt to do so, even in a coarse or approximate way. Rather, the USPTO arbitrarily awards every issued patent a patent-term of 20 years from the date on which the patented innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, the patent-term awarded to a brilliant, small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who “burns” many years of patent-term as he secures production and marketing for his invention, is 20 years. It seems illogical that the exact same patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation, for a product created using the minimal efforts of a corporate assembly-line “invention” process, for a patent that will predictably and immediately generate millions of dollars in daily profits. | | | |
< < | Under this system, some patent owners make millions in excess of what is necessary to create inventive incentive ([1]). On the other hand, inventive but resource-strapped small companies are subject to frivolously-filed patent infringement lawsuits which divert their scarce resources from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | > > | Under this system, some patent owners make billions in excess of what is necessary to create an inventive incentive ([1]). On the other hand, inventive but resource-strapped small companies are subject to frivolously-filed patent infringement lawsuits which divert their scarce resources from creating new and innovative products ([2]). | | | |
< < | IV. Towards Solutions | > > | IV. Towards a Solution | | | |
< < | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally improves quality of life through technical innovation?). To me, it seems that the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) is wrong. A different approach calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Yet another approach, of my own thinking but likely not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these “patch-work” solutions are not appealing. At a minimum, they are susceptible to special interests or are Constitutionally problematic. The solution, whatever it may be, is probably a simple and elegant one. | > > | Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally improves quality of life through technical innovation?). To me, it seems that the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) is wrong. A different approach calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Yet another approach, of my own thinking but likely not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these “patchwork” solutions are not appealing. At a minimum, they are susceptible to special interests or are Constitutionally problematic. The solution, whatever it may be, is probably a simple and elegant one. | | | |
< < | -- By SaswatMisra - 26 Feb 2010 | > > | -- By SaswatMisra - 28 Feb 2010 | |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 5 - 28 Feb 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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> > | Technical Innovation and the Patent System
I. Increasing Quality-of-Life Through Innovation
Government should implement policy that maximizes the aggregate quality of life of its citizenry, subject to its available resources. Technical advancements are a particularly attractive way for government to realize quality of life increases, as a particular technical advancement, once brought to fruition, has a low running cost (compared to alternatives such as, say, welfare programs, which need to be continually funded in order to realize a corresponding continual increase in quality of life) and further builds a foundation for future technical advancements (for example, each epoch in computer microprocessor evolution has built on the generation of microprocessors that came before it). Therefore, it makes sense for government to implement policies that encourage technical advancements (or “innovations”). Broadly speaking, government should implement policies that provide the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost.
Technical innovation may come in many forms, including industrial methods and processes, mechanical devices, and increasingly, software. Societal costs are hard to quantify, but should include opportunity cost, i.e., the cost incurred when an innovation is not created, or is not disseminated as rapidly and cheaply as possible to the citizenry. Components of opportunity cost should include both the “excess” time for an innovation to emerge, as well as “excess” cost of the innovation after it has emerged, but during which the citizenry’s access to the innovation is artificially restricted (for example, through competition-limiting intellectual property (IP)-rights).
II. The Constitution's Approach - The Patent System
Interestingly, the Constitution transforms the open ended and aesthetic goal described above, i.e., implementing policy that provides the most quality-of-life improving technical innovation to the most people at the least societal cost, by imposing certain limitations on how such a goal should be achieved. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, in which the patent system is rooted, grants Congress the power to
“promote the progress of science. . . by securing for limited times to. . . inventors the exclusive right to their respective. . . discoveries.”
First, this clause strongly endorses private and exclusive IP rights (i.e., patents) apparently assuming that such rights are necessary to “promote the progress of science.” Second, the clause takes the multi-faceted goal described above and reduces it into a simple, one-dimensional optimization problem: maximizing aggregate quality of life through technical innovation is apparently solved simply by adjusting a “knob” that controls patent-term (i.e., the duration of time over which the inventor enjoys “exclusive right[s]” to her innovation) to a sweet spot, the point at which the inventor receives just enough patent term so that she is sufficiently motivated to invest her time and resources in creating new innovations. To give her any additional patent term beyond this would be to unduly rob the citizenry of rapid and low cost access to her patented innovations.
Even accepting this Constitutionally-endorsed formulation as a sensible one, it seems difficult or impossible to determine how to adjust the patent-term knob in practice. The amount of patent-term awarded should certainly depend on straightforward factors such as the likelihood of commercialization, the time needed to recoup investment costs, and the expected time until a substantially similar innovation would be developed by another inventor. A more intricate calculation of patent-term would possibly take into account the intended use of the patent - does the inventor actually seek to bring the patented innovation to market, or is she simply going to add it to her “stockpile,” useful only for scaring potential competitors from entering her market? Further, patent term would ideally be adjusted to account for the (troubling) scenario in which an inventor is awarded a patent (say, on a drug on that keeps a cancer patient alive for his entire natural life, but with moderate discomfort), and that therefore eliminates her incentive to develop still-better innovations (say, a drug that keeps the same patient alive, but with no discomfort) during the time that her patent is in-force.
III. The Patent Office - A Poor Implementation of Bad Policy?
It would be expensive and difficult to determine how to adjust the knob based on even a small number of the factors identified above. What is surprising, however, is that not even a crude attempt is made to do so. Instead, the United States Patent and Trademark Office arbitrarily mandates that every issued patent shall be awarded a patent term of 20 years from the date on which the innovation was first disclosed to the public. Under this rule, the patent-term issued to a brilliant small-time garage inventor, who slaves away at great personal sacrifice to create a new product, and who “loses” many years of patent-term as he secures production and marketing for his invention, is 20 years. It seems illogical that the same patent-term would be awarded to a mega-corporation for a product created using the minimal effort of an assembly-line corporate “invention” process, for a patent that predictably and immediately generates millions of dollars in daily profits.
Under this system, some patent owners make millions in excess of what is necessary to create inventive incentive ([1]). On the other hand, inventive but resource-strapped small companies are subject to frivolously-filed patent infringement lawsuits which divert their scarce resources from creating new and innovative products ([2]).
IV. Towards Solutions
Predictably, I do not have a solution to the question posed (i.e., what policy maximally improves quality of life through technical innovation?). To me, it seems that the approach endorsed by the Constitution (and therefore, the patent system) is wrong. A different approach calls for creating an “efficient market” for buying and selling patent rights ([3] and [4]). Yet another approach, of my own thinking but likely not original, would allow the government to force the sale of certain high-value patents from private hands to the public at prices substantially lower than their “fair market value.” However, these “patch-work” solutions are not appealing. At a minimum, they are susceptible to special interests or are Constitutionally problematic. The solution, whatever it may be, is probably a simple and elegant one. | | -- By SaswatMisra - 26 Feb 2010 |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 4 - 27 Feb 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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< < | Maximizing Innovation using the United States Patent System [IN PROGRESS -- EBEN, THIS WILL BE UP BY 2/27, 5PM - SASWAT]
What's The Point?
A Stagnant System
What Should the System Look Like -- Some Practical Suggestions
Some Limitations of a World Without Private IP Rights
Have you ever worked for the Government? | | -- By SaswatMisra - 26 Feb 2010 |
SaswatMisraFirstPaper 3 - 26 Feb 2010 - Main.SaswatMisra
META TOPICPARENT | name="FirstPaper" |
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< < | Innovation and the United States Patent System | > > | Maximizing Innovation using the United States Patent System [IN PROGRESS -- EBEN, THIS WILL BE UP BY 2/27, 5PM - SASWAT] | |
What's The Point? | | What's The Point? | |
> > | | | A Stagnant System | |
< < | Some Practical Suggestions | > > |
What Should the System Look Like -- Some Practical Suggestions | | Tweaks | |
< < | Thoughts on a World Without Private IP Rights | > > | Some Limitations of a World Without Private IP Rights | | Have you ever worked for the Government? |