Law in Contemporary Society

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SarahKimFirstEssay 4 - 27 May 2022 - Main.MorganMartin
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 Clearly, I don’t have the answer, both for myself (yet) and the world. I am still in the process of thinking and trying to reconcile. Professor Moglen framed the question for me well – is it possible to go to work as an IP lawyer and keep my conscience? He says yes, but given how vividly I remember the defeated way in which I walked out of his office after having this conversation, maybe deep inside I think no. Regardless of my answer now, I hope the next 10 weeks of work will begin to guide me in the direction that is right for me.

Hi Sarah,

I found your topic to be super interesting. I was not familiar with the Oyster Project and had not yet had exposure to patent law or the types or arguments against it. I was particularly intrigued by the analysis that stated that patents came out around the same time as a police force. While that comparison is riveting, I am still not convinced that all things should be without a patent. Part of living in our society is an sense of individualism and freedom. With this individualism, comes the ability make money from for our name, image, and likeness and our ideas. Because of this, I do believe people should be able to patent their ideas and be rewarded for their innovation and creativity. However, I do think there should possibly be a time limit on the patent and easy rules for others to access and use the idea at some point. This will benefit society as a whole. The comparison to past institutions is interesting because I think those institutions (prisons & police) for example present different sets of issues surrounding life & death. So to me the comparison is not entirely the same. I look forward to learning more about patent law based off your writings- Morgan

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Revision 4r4 - 27 May 2022 - 18:33:25 - MorganMartin
Revision 3r3 - 27 May 2022 - 02:28:57 - SarahKim
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