Law in Contemporary Society

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PhaseIIQandAToHelpMakeAnActionPlan 2 - 10 Apr 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
-- MakalikaNaholowaa - 10 Apr 2008
To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.
To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.
There are probably many questions, so either hit "edit" and give your question a bold/header formatting and its own comment box; or, if you're not comfortable with that, use a fresh comment box from below.
There are probably many, so I suggest that for ease of reading, if you post a question, you actually hit edit and add it in with a bold/header formatting and give it its own comment box.
-- MakalikaNaholowaa - 10 Apr 2008 / -- AndrewGradman - 10 Apr 2008






PhaseIIQandAToHelpMakeAnActionPlan 1 - 10 Apr 2008 - Main.MakalikaNaholowaa
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

-- MakalikaNaholowaa - 10 Apr 2008

To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.

There are probably many, so I suggest that for ease of reading, if you post a question, you actually hit edit and add it in with a bold/header formatting and give it its own comment box.


Revision 2r2 - 10 Apr 2008 - 14:34:58 - AndrewGradman
Revision 1r1 - 10 Apr 2008 - 14:05:06 - MakalikaNaholowaa
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