Law in Contemporary Society

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ModernLegalMagicCritique1 3 - 30 Jan 2008 - Main.AmandaHungerford
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I don't want to constrain TWiki discussion before class, or sow chaos, so I suggest that unrelated critiques of Frank's "Modern Legal Magic" go on their own Topic.
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 -- AndrewGradman - 30 Jan 2008

Andrew, I’m having a little trouble understanding your critique because I’m having trouble understanding your analysis of Frank. Could you give me a five-sentence summary of what you think Frank is saying?

I also interpret Frank’s criticism of Cohen differently than you do. Cohen suggests that rule by discretion would be bad, true. I don’t think Frank is disputing that rule by discretion would be bad. I think his point is instead that just because rule by discretion would be bad doesn’t mean we don’t currently live in a society of rule by discretion, and that recognizing that is valuable.

I don’t necessarily disagree that rules are important. But Frank’s point, which seems on, is that rules don’t actually eliminate the discretion, because we have to apply necessarily subjective facts to those rules.

It’s very, very possible that I am (a) misunderstanding you or (b) misunderstanding Frank. Thoughts?

-- AmandaHungerford - 30 Jan 2008


Revision 3r3 - 30 Jan 2008 - 17:58:56 - AmandaHungerford
Revision 2r2 - 30 Jan 2008 - 14:29:32 - AndrewGradman
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