Law in Contemporary Society

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MakalikaNaholowaaIntro 1 - 17 Jan 2008 - Main.MakalikaNaholowaa
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-- MakalikaNaholowaa - 17 Jan 2008
On my law school application, I talked about my desire to be empowered. I believe that a strong general understanding of our legal system, the training to do individual research about specific law and the ability to apply it, and the license to use these skills to help myself and others is incredibly empowering, and that's why I am here. This is a very general reason and I wish I could be more specific, but it's unfortunately as far as I've gotton yet.

I appreciate the wonderful opportunity afforded to me just by being here and having the option to mold a career in the law, options not available to women and people of color in past times. Accordingly, I don't want to squander this gift of empowerment by forfeiting my chance to be an innovative, creative, world changer in deference to being a cookie-cutter packaged product to firms. I'm excited about taking this class, because I hope it will help me to avoid this path of least resistance fate (or at least, if I ultimately chose it for whatever reason, that I do so disenchanted, with eyes wide open) and illuminate alternate paths.


Revision 1r1 - 17 Jan 2008 - 05:37:04 - MakalikaNaholowaa
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