Law in Contemporary Society

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I came to law school to maximize creative expression – broadly defined though, in particular, literary expression – in the constitutional and intellectual property fields. My original interest in this field is categorically literary, critical, and philosophical, and thus decidedly not legal – hence, my reason for studying the law. Yet, I have a stake in this debate as a writer whose siblings dabble in music, publishing, painting, and film.

As for the meat-packing phenomenon, I never imagined myself turning into a lawyer working within theological and fascist limitations similar to the nameless and faceless (im)personalities of Kafka’s The Trial. Indeed, I hope to meet the doorkeeper of the Law and remind him that I am a free man, or the real doorkeeper of the Law, or whatever other glosses offered by the priest in justifying the man’s supremacy for SEEKING the Law vis-à-vis the authoritative doorkeeper who KNOWS the Law in that famous parable.

-- JesseCreed - 17 Jan 2008


Revision 1r1 - 17 Jan 2008 - 02:27:39 - JesseCreed
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