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FuckThisStupidRule 12 - 08 May 2009 - Main.WalkerNewell
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Fuck This Stupid Rule

Yesterday I spent what felt like an eternity - probably around 6 hours - trying to learn how to apply the Rule Against Perpetuities. Over and over, I thought I had it, but when I got to the next fact pattern I fell on my face again. Admittedly, math is not my strength, and my ability to imagine people dying at age 5 or procreating at age 80 just doesn't cut it. What's wrong with my brain, I thought, why can't I understand this? Then it happened: I realized that I don't have to learn the Rule Against Perpetuities! It's my education, damnit, and I don't give a shit about this stupid rule! I'd rather learn more about the tragedy of the commons or the public trust doctrine than wrap my brain around some legal fiction that all but a handful of jurisdictions have done away with. I think I just might write in my exam that I - along with the vast majority of US jurisdictions - think this is a stupid rule, and that perhaps it's time to strike it from the standard 1L Property syllabus. So what if I get a bad grade in Property? I feel empowered.

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 -- AnjaHavedal? - 07 May 2009

You did, to some extent, invite commentary and criticism, and what followed is about what I would have expected had I made the same post.

I have, however, noticed that many of our fellow students are very confused by the fact that different people have different goals. A friend of mine has been spending the past four months trying to convince me to go to EIP, without any encouragement from me. Why is this?

I suppose that, later in life, it may be difficult for two people who have widely divergent incomes to remain friends. Perhaps this problem is already beginning to manifest itself.

META TOPICMOVED by="AnjaHavedal" date="1241269585" from="Sandbox.FuckThisStupidRule" to="LawContempSoc.FuckThisStupidRule"

Revision 12r12 - 08 May 2009 - 06:03:27 - WalkerNewell
Revision 11r11 - 08 May 2009 - 05:35:32 - AnjaHavedal?
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