Law in Contemporary Society

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DrinkingFromAFirehose 8 - 07 Jan 2010 - Main.IanSullivan
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META TOPICPARENT name="LawContempSoc"
META TOPICPARENT name="OldDiscussionMaterials"
 Concerning today's discussion on reading/listening to internalize the material rather than forget it: is it possible that under some circumstances, there's simply too much material to internalize it all? It reminds me of the idea that high school is like sipping from a water fountain, college is like drinking from a garden hose, and law school is like trying to drink from a high-pressure fire hose. I'm making an honest effort to read for comprehension and understanding, but sometimes I feel like there's a bit too much for me to really remember it all.

-- WhytneBrooks - 23 Apr 2008

Revision 8r8 - 07 Jan 2010 - 22:19:58 - IanSullivan
Revision 7r7 - 22 Jan 2009 - 00:55:57 - IanSullivan
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