Law in Contemporary Society

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DeathofGiantFirms 16 - 23 Jan 2008 - Main.AdamCarlis
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The Death of the Giant Firm?

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 I respond to Christina by saying two things. First, I agree that there is a branding market out there, and that name of where you went to school can open doors for you, but I agree with Adam that this need not always be so. So the question then becomes, what else (besides go to a top school) can we do to to insulate ourselves in job stability and happiness? I think that Eben hit the nail on the head when he said that the key is to learn to be 'flexible' and to be able to do a variety of different things for different clients. There is a great saying that I think expresses this well: "the more you can do, the more you can do". If the 'death of firms' occurs, the pedigree won't matter as much as what you can do for your clients.

-- JustinColannino - 23 Jan 2008


I think that is pretty accurate, Justin. The only way, obviously, that is not so is if the "death of firms" actually means the death of lawyering in that individuals, armed with access to information, education, and some great computer software can do about as good as you or I when it comes to researching the law or constructing arguments. Then, instead of being the lawyers we will likely be reduced to nothing more than signatories for our client's briefs. While I don't see that happening any time soon, who can predict?

Even still, flexibility will remain important. If we truly are able to shape peoples thoughts, reasoning, and actions using our words then there will always be market for those of us who can do it well.

-- AdamCarlis - 23 Jan 2008


Revision 16r16 - 23 Jan 2008 - 15:17:17 - AdamCarlis
Revision 15r15 - 23 Jan 2008 - 13:46:19 - JustinColannino
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