Law in Contemporary Society

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CurveSurvey 4 - 22 Apr 2008 - Main.IanSullivan
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
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 Well, it saves all the questions when I vote (also, changing the name of the poll will reset the votes already cast, in case you weren't already using that trick, but I'm still not quite sure why it's storing the results here and not on the saveto="" page. It looks to me like your syntax is correct, but I'll poke at it again later tonight. Oh, and secret="on" is the default, I removed it for troubleshooting only. -- IanSullivan
Amanda, it looks like we've found a bug in the vote plugin. The problems seem to result from having commas within the questions that you ask. Take a look at CurveSurveyPollResults for some examples. The top one has commas and is broken, the bottom removes those commas and works fine. I'll pass the information along to the people who wrote the plugin but, in the meantime, you'll want to phrase your questions without commas.

-- IanSullivan 22 Apr 2008


Revision 4r4 - 22 Apr 2008 - 16:19:56 - IanSullivan
Revision 3r3 - 21 Apr 2008 - 22:05:45 - IanSullivan
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