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CurveSurvey 2 - 19 Apr 2008 - Main.AmandaHungerford
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm in the process of creating a questionnaire about the curve, grades, etc to inform my paper re-write. If, in the meanwhile, you guys could hold off creating your own survey involving grades or the curve, I'd appreciate it.
If people have ideas for questions I should ask/general tips about questionnaires, I'd take any help I can get.
My poll is still a work in progress

Although if anyone knows why I can only get answers to the first question to show up, why I can't get the last question to show up, or why the results are showing up here (instead of "AmandaHungerfordPollResults, where I want them to), any help would be much appreciated.

What are the lowest grades you would be happy with?
leftbarmainbarrightbar All Bs 0% (4)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Mostly As and some Bs 0% (2)
If someone missed class for a personal reason (family problems, health, etc) and asked to see your notes, what would be your response?  
If someone with whom you were NOT friends missed class for a frivolous reason (i.e. hadn’t felt like going) asked for your notes, what would be your response?  
Would your response be different if they missed class almost every day vs. if they almost never missed class?
leftbarmainbarrightbar No 0% (2)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Maybe 0% (2)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Yes 0% (1)
Would your response be different if they seemed like they were competitive for a good grade in the class?
leftbarmainbarrightbar Yes 0% (3)
leftbarmainbarrightbar No 0% (1)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Maybe 0% (1)
If a professor contacted the entire class, said that some had missed class, and asked for volunteers to send in their notes, what would your response be?  
If you overheard classmates discussing class, and could tell they were misinterpreting what the professor had said, would you interject?  
Would your response be different if they were students w/ whom you were friendly?
leftbarmainbarrightbar Yes 0% (4)
leftbarmainbarrightbar No 0% (1)
Would your response be different if some of the students were competing with you for a particular job?
leftbarmainbarrightbar Yes 0% (3)
leftbarmainbarrightbar No 0% (1)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Maybe 0% (1)
What percentage of your classmates do you think would correct you if they knew you misunderstood the material?
leftbarmainbarrightbar All 0% (2)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Some 0% (2)
leftbarmainbarrightbar Few 0% (1)
If you were having difficulty understanding class material, and asked for assistance, what percentage of your classmates do you think would take several hours to assist you?  
 -- AmandaHungerford - 21 Feb 2008

CurveSurvey 1 - 21 Feb 2008 - Main.AmandaHungerford
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm in the process of creating a questionnaire about the curve, grades, etc to inform my paper re-write. If, in the meanwhile, you guys could hold off creating your own survey involving grades or the curve, I'd appreciate it.

If people have ideas for questions I should ask/general tips about questionnaires, I'd take any help I can get.


-- AmandaHungerford - 21 Feb 2008


Revision 2r2 - 19 Apr 2008 - 20:10:52 - AmandaHungerford
Revision 1r1 - 21 Feb 2008 - 18:33:26 - AmandaHungerford
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