Law in Contemporary Society

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CurrentEventsIndex 4 - 29 Jan 2008 - Main.IanSullivan
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META TOPICPARENT name="LawContempSoc"
This page is intended organize all the interesting articles people are posting. Please edit the page to add articles (and discussion pages) to the list. We can play around with the formatting as we go, but lets try to keep it consistent so it stays easy to read.
Line: 8 to 8
 Who’s Cuddly Now? Law Firms

"In the last two decades, as working schedules became flexible, and even accounting firms, of all places, embraced the mantra of work-life balance (at least on paper), there was one unbending, tradition-bound profession: the law...."




Article: NY Times

 Discussion: BalancingWork

Law Firms Are Starting to Adopt Outsourcing

"For years, outsourcing has been a dirty word inside the world of white-shoe law firms...."




Article: NY Times

 Discussion: DeathofGiantFirms2

Outsourcing the lawyers

"Add attorney to the growing list of white-collar jobs being shipped overseas. How far will it go?"

Discussion: DeathofGiantFirms2

Training Law Students for Real-Life Careers

"When you haven’t changed your curriculum in 150 years, at some point you look around"

Article: NY Times
Discussion: DeathofGiantFirms


Template for news article formatting

<blockquote><p>"Subhead or leading quote of interest"</p>
[[Article URL][Publication name or domain]]<BR>
Discussion: WhereThisIsDiscussed(in the wiki)</p>

 Created the page, added "who's cuddly now" article.
Line: 30 to 66
 Added outsourcing article

-- TheodoreSmith - 26 Jan 2008


shortened displayed urls, added blank formatting example, and linked in articles referenced in DeathofGiantFirms

-- IanSullivan - 29 Jan 2008


CurrentEventsIndex 3 - 26 Jan 2008 - Main.TheodoreSmith
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="LawContempSoc"
This page is intended organize all the interesting articles people are posting. Please edit the page to add articles (and discussion pages) to the list. We can play around with the formatting as we go, but lets try to keep it consistent so it stays easy to read.
Line: 7 to 7

Who’s Cuddly Now? Law Firms


"In the last two decades, as working schedules became flexible, and even accounting firms, of all places, embraced the mantra of work-life balance (at least on paper), there was one unbending, tradition-bound profession: the law....."


"In the last two decades, as working schedules became flexible, and even accounting firms, of all places, embraced the mantra of work-life balance (at least on paper), there was one unbending, tradition-bound profession: the law...."


Discussion: BalancingWork

Law Firms Are Starting to Adopt Outsourcing

"For years, outsourcing has been a dirty word inside the world of white-shoe law firms...."

Discussion: DeathofGiantFirms2


Created the page, added "who's cuddly now" article.

-- TheodoreSmith - 26 Jan 2008


Added outsourcing article

-- TheodoreSmith - 26 Jan 2008

\ No newline at end of file

CurrentEventsIndex 2 - 26 Jan 2008 - Main.TheodoreSmith
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="LawContempSoc"
 This page is intended organize all the interesting articles people are posting. Please edit the page to add articles (and discussion pages) to the list. We can play around with the formatting as we go, but lets try to keep it consistent so it stays easy to read.

Please add articles to the main section, and use the comments to note what you changed.

CurrentEventsIndex 1 - 26 Jan 2008 - Main.TheodoreSmith
Line: 1 to 1
This page is intended organize all the interesting articles people are posting. Please edit the page to add articles (and discussion pages) to the list. We can play around with the formatting as we go, but lets try to keep it consistent so it stays easy to read.

Please add articles to the main section, and use the comments to note what you changed.

Who’s Cuddly Now? Law Firms

"In the last two decades, as working schedules became flexible, and even accounting firms, of all places, embraced the mantra of work-life balance (at least on paper), there was one unbending, tradition-bound profession: the law....."

Discussion: BalancingWork

Created the page, added "who's cuddly now" article.

-- TheodoreSmith - 26 Jan 2008


Revision 4r4 - 29 Jan 2008 - 20:35:48 - IanSullivan
Revision 3r3 - 26 Jan 2008 - 23:34:19 - TheodoreSmith
Revision 2r2 - 26 Jan 2008 - 20:39:19 - TheodoreSmith
Revision 1r1 - 26 Jan 2008 - 19:25:07 - TheodoreSmith
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