Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes2008Jan17 6 - 18 Jan 2008 - Main.KateVershov
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1-17-08 - Thursday
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 How do I edit without overwriting FeliciaGilbert? 's credit at the bottom? Is it wrong to edit the document by clicking "edit"? -andrew And how do I make a single line break? -andrew -- AndrewGradman - 17 Jan 2008

I'm not sure if this is a good place for it, but I think it would be good if we had a space to talk about the different topics brought up in class and post links to other info, etc. Perhaps we need just one running page of comments instead of attaching them to class notes?

In any case, here's a question: Does watching TLC and the Discovery channel count as vegging out?

-- KateVershov - 18 Jan 2008

As a side bar - it would be awesome if we could have a discussion board that was anonymous. I think people are afraid of saying something that the professor will not like. Otherwise, the responses elicited are likely to be urbane expositions for the professor's eye, rather than genuine engagement.

-- KateVershov - 18 Jan 2008


Revision 6r6 - 18 Jan 2008 - 02:22:15 - KateVershov
Revision 5r5 - 17 Jan 2008 - 22:40:28 - AndrewGradman
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