Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes2008Jan17 19 - 19 Jan 2008 - Main.OluwafemiMorohunfola
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 Oh. One more thing. I think Holmes only thought that logic was a human fragility with regards to applying logic to the law. He simply was asserting that there is no empirical truth in the law the same way that there is an empirical truth in psychics and mathematics. He wasn't attacking logic per se.

-- JosephMacias - 19 Jan 2008


On the Topic of "Vegging Out" in front of the television:

There seems to be a running current through a lot of the comments on this subject which hints that most of us do not agree with the premise that medium determines worth. I am especially averse to that assumption. From the beginning known history, Art has followed technology. The Orators of the Homeric Age were Artists in their grand retelling of the Iliad from memory. After the spread of the written, Shakespeare and other poets and writers used the new medium to convey their creative and imaginative ideas. The mere use of a different medium, has never historically been a test of the validity or worth of art. Whether in music, fashion, theater, or newer forms of multimedia, artists have always found ways to use new mediums to create art. People like Spielberg and Scorcese can create works of art that rival the greatness of Shakespeare. They should not be penalized by their use of a different medium.

So, while i accept that much of what is on television is probably rotting our minds, it should not be assumed that everything on a TV or DVD is inherently worthless.

I have to Agree with Dan Butrymowicz in believing that shows and movies can create intellectually stimulating experiences. Although i was not a film major, i did study theater in high school and college. As a result, I believe that there are a number of extraordinary movies and shows out there that are artistically written and skillfully performed in a way as to make the audience think and actively interact with the material.

-- OluwafemiMorohunfola - 19 Jan 2008


Revision 19r19 - 19 Jan 2008 - 22:14:51 - OluwafemiMorohunfola
Revision 18r18 - 19 Jan 2008 - 19:56:21 - JosephMacias
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