Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes2008Jan17 18 - 19 Jan 2008 - Main.JosephMacias
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1-17-08 - Thursday
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 I think there is something to pure vegging out. I agree that as lawyers we should be constantly honing our mental acuity, but I believe a little vegging here and there is a positive thing for my net work product here at law school.

-- AdamGold? - 19 Jan 2008


-- JosephMacias - 19 Jan 2008

I don't currently own a television, because I thought that it would be a distraction in my first year of law school. However, I think I will get a TV soon, because I still am "vegging out" after school by mindless web browsing about obscure topics, and this seems less useful than watching the History Channel, Discovery, or even CNN. In addition, watching video on the web is totally unrewarding, as most web episodes or entertain to be found online usually runs 1-3 minutes. At least TV tries to stretch a person's attention span for 30-60 minutes.

HBO I miss you!


-- JosephMacias - 19 Jan 2008

Oh. One more thing. I think Holmes only thought that logic was a human fragility with regards to applying logic to the law. He simply was asserting that there is no empirical truth in the law the same way that there is an empirical truth in psychics and mathematics. He wasn't attacking logic per se.

-- JosephMacias - 19 Jan 2008

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 18r18 - 19 Jan 2008 - 19:56:21 - JosephMacias
Revision 17r17 - 19 Jan 2008 - 07:01:54 - AdamGold?
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