Law in Contemporary Society

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BookRecommendations 7 - 28 May 2012 - Main.JaredMiller
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 I was going to email Eben to ask if he had any recommendations for books to read over the summer and I realized other people might be interested as well. Hopefully not only Eben, but we all, can post book recommendations here.
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 The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is a beautifully written and researched emotional novel about a christian missionary family moving to the Congo during the 1950's. Additionally for those interested in short stories, Professor Moglen once recommended me the book Mirrors by Eduardo Galeano which is a compilation of hybrid short story/poems some of which I find breathtaking and others I'll admit I hardly understand...

-- SkylarPolansky - 26 May 2012

I haven't had the opportunity to read it yet, but The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander comes highly recommended from several people. It seems like the kind of "interesting legal thinking" about the mass incarceration system that we've been drawn to in class.

-- JaredMiller - 28 May 2012

BookRecommendations 6 - 27 May 2012 - Main.SkylarPolansky
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 I was going to email Eben to ask if he had any recommendations for books to read over the summer and I realized other people might be interested as well. Hopefully not only Eben, but we all, can post book recommendations here.
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-- RohanGrey - 24 May 2012

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is a beautifully written and researched emotional novel about a christian missionary family moving to the Congo during the 1950's. Additionally for those interested in short stories, Professor Moglen once recommended me the book Mirrors by Eduardo Galeano which is a compilation of hybrid short story/poems some of which I find breathtaking and others I'll admit I hardly understand...

-- SkylarPolansky - 26 May 2012

BookRecommendations 5 - 24 May 2012 - Main.RohanGrey
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 I was going to email Eben to ask if he had any recommendations for books to read over the summer and I realized other people might be interested as well. Hopefully not only Eben, but we all, can post book recommendations here.
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 One of my favorite books is The Dancing Wu Li Masters. If you're interested at all in theoretical physics, it relates the topic to far-eastern philosophies. It's really cool--and don't worry, there's no math.

-- HarryKhanna - 24 May 2012

If you're interested in economics/the occupy movement, one of its lead activists called David Graeber wrote a book called "Debt: the First 5000 Years" which looks at the social structures, creditor/debtor relationships, the nature of money and interest, the relationship between debt and military conquest and other fascinating things from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia through to the present. Not technical at all, available as an E-book and a very enjoyable read.

-- RohanGrey - 24 May 2012

BookRecommendations 4 - 24 May 2012 - Main.HarryKhanna
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 I was going to email Eben to ask if he had any recommendations for books to read over the summer and I realized other people might be interested as well. Hopefully not only Eben, but we all, can post book recommendations here.
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 -- AgnesPetrucione - 23 May 2012

Agreed! I picked up Eliot Aronson's "The Social Animal," which is great, but can't remember enough other book recommends from the class.

-- JoshuaDivine - 23 May 2012

One of my favorite books is The Dancing Wu Li Masters. If you're interested at all in theoretical physics, it relates the topic to far-eastern philosophies. It's really cool--and don't worry, there's no math.

-- HarryKhanna - 24 May 2012

BookRecommendations 3 - 23 May 2012 - Main.JoshuaDivine
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 I was going to email Eben to ask if he had any recommendations for books to read over the summer and I realized other people might be interested as well. Hopefully not only Eben, but we all, can post book recommendations here.
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 Great topic! I don't know if it's the kind of book you're looking for, but the His Dark Materials series made me cry like a baby.

-- AgnesPetrucione - 23 May 2012

Agreed! I picked up Eliot Aronson's "The Social Animal," which is great, but can't remember enough other book recommends from the class.

Revision 7r7 - 28 May 2012 - 18:37:26 - JaredMiller
Revision 6r6 - 27 May 2012 - 05:13:00 - SkylarPolansky
Revision 5r5 - 24 May 2012 - 20:27:38 - RohanGrey
Revision 4r4 - 24 May 2012 - 18:57:43 - HarryKhanna
Revision 3r3 - 23 May 2012 - 19:15:25 - JoshuaDivine
Revision 2r2 - 23 May 2012 - 12:02:01 - AgnesPetrucione
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