Law in Contemporary Society

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AustenBrandfordFirstPaper 7 - 09 May 2012 - Main.AustenBrandford
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"
 Draft 2 (I'd like to keep editing after another round of comments):
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 I’ll never go back because I hate what that environment did to me. Not only did I reaffirm what these people expected from someone “like me,” but also I acted in a way of defiance and disrespect that is completely out of character. I generally respect rules and order, but feeling like a disrespected, worthless outsider who would never be welcomed into their ranks made me truly not give a damn about their rules and customs. It was a way for me to try to protect my dignity, but it backfired and I walked out feeling like I deserved to be mistreated. Luckily, I can simply avoid places like that. They belong to the very upper crust and elitist portion of society, which is a small (albeit powerful) group.
This experience made me realize that I have been very fortunate and extremely sheltered. There are many people in this country who feel this way every day. They feel like institutions like education and the legal system work against them. They push back in ways that others may see as defiance, but they are really just trying to maintain some pride while being forced to deal with systems that screwed them over from the start. The effects of this, like lower education and higher crime rates, are obviously harmful and perpetuate the problem, and the oppressive institutions are ubiquitous and powerful. While I could just get in my car and drive back to the safety of my cul-de-sac, many more people are stuck in a cycle that goes far beyond the confines of a waterfront country club.
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This experience made me realize that I have been very fortunate and extremely sheltered. While there had been times in which I had felt some level of race-related disrespect, I realized that there are many people in this country who feel this way every day. They feel like institutions like education and the legal system work against them. They push back in ways that others may see as defiance, but they are really just trying to maintain some pride while being forced to deal with systems that screwed them over from the start. The effects of this, like lower education and higher crime rates, are obviously harmful and perpetuate the problem, and the oppressive institutions are ubiquitous and powerful. While I could just get in my car and drive back to the safety of my cul-de-sac, many more people are stuck in a cycle that goes far beyond the confines of a waterfront country club.
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Revision 7r7 - 09 May 2012 - 09:43:33 - AustenBrandford
Revision 6r6 - 23 Apr 2012 - 17:52:12 - AustenBrandford
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