Law in Contemporary Society

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AdmittedStudentSalesDay 4 - 26 Mar 2009 - Main.MolissaFarber
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 For the last few days, I have found myself cheerleading for Columbia at various admitted student events. Young recently commented in class that he found himself robotically spouting pro-law school sales pitches to admitted students at the last of these programs, and he had to stop himself from perpetuating “the con.” I don’t know if I’ve just completely guzzled the law school Kool-Aid, but I find myself very happy to be here at this point in my life. It doesn’t FEEL like I’m conning anyone, but Young’s point has been running through my head all day, and one girl mentioned to me this morning that my happiness made her want to come here.

Our discussions on this wiki and in class have made me curious to know whether being happy in law school puts me in the minority, and whether any of us are having internal conflicts when interacting with admits for this admitted students program.

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 -- HelenMayer - 26 Mar 2009

I'm really glad this point was touched upon in class today. I didn't mean to suggest that Admitted Students Day WAS a con, as Eben and Aaron pointed out, but I agree that we do seem to focus more on the con aspect of Leff's piece than the sale aspect (or on the possibility of distinguishing the two). I hope we can still continue the discussion, kool-aide or not.

In my notes for today, I have this comment by Eben: The image of who you might be becoming is more important than the reality. You will become something you can envision rather than something you want to be. I wrote this down because it sounded profound at the time, but now I realize I don't fully understand it. (Did I miss the explanation while typing?) Does this mean that we lose our true selves in the act of the sale/the con?

-- MolissaFarber - 26 Mar 2009


Revision 4r4 - 26 Mar 2009 - 18:39:49 - MolissaFarber
Revision 3r3 - 26 Mar 2009 - 16:31:09 - HelenMayer
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