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AdmittedStudentSalesDay 18 - 01 Apr 2009 - Main.MolissaFarber
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 Note: I have refractored this conversation and started a new topic here. -- KeithEdelman - 30 Mar 2009
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 -- YoungKim - 30 Mar 2009
what bothered me most about the whole sequence was that the admit knew exactly what answer to expect and the student knew exactly what answer to give

This is an interesting observation. The question I get asked most often, and I'd imagine it's probably the same for many of us, is whether Columbia is very competitive or cutthroat. I happen to believe this is just a stereotype, although it's certainly possible I am not as sensitive to the competitive aspects of the school as others might be. In any case, this question seems to be asked only so that the Admit can get the boilerplate answer that "no, it's just a're competitive with yourself...etc."

I don't think that necessarily marks a con, however. As an Admit myself, I don't remember thinking that Admitted Students Day was a fully honest representation of the law school - the entire program was filled with obvious sales pitches for this-or-that aspect of the school. Even more, I remember needing to hear people tell me the school wasn't competitive, and I kept asking the question because each identical answer helped me feel better about a decision I wanted to make but was partly afraid to make (the decision to attend law school here). If the admits want to hear those platitudes, then can an admitted students program still be a con?

-- MolissaFarber - 1 Apr 2009


Past Experiences from Admitted Students Day

Did others attend Admitted Students Day last year? In my experience the program is strictly tailored to selling students deciding between Columbia and NYU (to the point where the programs are scheduled on subsequent days).

Revision 18r18 - 01 Apr 2009 - 05:17:42 - MolissaFarber
Revision 17r17 - 31 Mar 2009 - 01:11:47 - KeithEdelman
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