Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2024

This wiki will be unavailable Wednesday 22 May from 10am to 5pm while my servers are relocated out of Jerome Greene Hall to allow for library destruction.
The occupation, by excluding students from school, is again preventing education. Office hours cannot be held because students cannot attend them. Video-conferences are not a suitable alternative. The myth of "going remote" is being used by the occupation to create a pretense of adequacy.
office hours will be held by video-conference
  • Wednesday 8 May, 3-5pm
  • Thursday 9 May, 1pm-4pm
at my server

 To complete this course, you must have posted two drafts of your FirstPaper, and either:
  1. Posted two drafts of your SecondPaper; or
  2. Completed technical projets 1 and 2, below.

Paper revisions must be posted by May 10 if you are a graduating student.

Students who intended to complete technical project 2 using hardware borrowed from me and who now cannot do so because they are excluded from school will get credit for the exercise anyway. I regret that the occupation's cowardice and incompetence interfered with our ability to learn together.
Students who intended to complete technical project 2 using hardware borrowed from me and who now cannot do so because they and I are excluded from school will get credit for the exercise anyway. I regret that the occupation's cowardice and incompetence, followed by the closure of JGH for library destruction, interfered with our ability to learn together.

My office hours Spring 2024 are now over. From Friday 24 May I am locked out of my office in Jerome Greene Hall as we begin the most intense stage of library destruction at the law school. I am happy to arrange conversation by phone or video-conference as time allows. Please email me for an appointment.

My office hours Spring 2024 will be Wednesdays 4:15-6pm and Thursdays 10:30-12n and 3-5pm (usually reserved for 1L students). If you need to see me but cannot make office hours, please email for an appointment.


Revision 389r389 - 21 May 2024 - 12:34:52 - EbenMoglen
Revision 388r388 - 07 May 2024 - 10:54:15 - EbenMoglen
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