Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2024

Owing to university closure of our campus in over-reaction to the occupation of Hamilton Hall, office hours Tuesday are cancelled.
A university occupied by police is no longer a place of free learning..

A law school that tolerates police occupation is no longer a school of law.

If you missed the last class on 24 April, the audio is available.
Additional office hours will be held this week:
The law school has ceased to function.
  • Tuesday 30 April, 12:30pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday 1 May, 1pm-5pm
  • Thursday 2 May, 1pm-5pm (there will be no morning office hour)
Watch this space for information about when and how teaching and learning can resume.


Revision 383r383 - 01 May 2024 - 12:08:54 - EbenMoglen
Revision 382r382 - 30 Apr 2024 - 12:57:13 - EbenMoglen
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