Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution


Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2021


Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2022

Classes have now concluded. See ClassAudio and ClassPads for the record.
This class will begin, without meeting, the week of 19 January. Our first meeting together will be on 26 January, in room JGH 105. In preparation, please:

Writing Schedule:

First drafts of second essays will be due close of business Friday 16 April, and will be edited by Monday 26 April if submitted timely. See SecondPaper for instructions and template. Second drafts of both first and second essays may then be submitted anytime before Wednesday 5 May, for graduating students, or Wednesday 19 May for non-graduating students. If you are not graduating and if you want more time for the submission of second drafts, you may request an extension by email before May 19. To revise a draft, simply remove everything on the page above the permissions material and insert your new draft. Remember that History contains all versions of the topic, so nothing is lost.

Office hours will continue through the end of exams, but on a different schedule. Please watch this space for announcement of times.

Outdoor in-person meetings continue.  Please see OutdoorSignUp.
  1. Register to use the wiki (unless you are already registered from another course);
  2. Read the EvaluationPolicy;
  3. Sign up to be notified of changes here by email, or subscribe to the news feed;
  4. Read all of this page and learn how to refer to the TWikiUsersGuide. You need to feel comfortable with the "Edit" and "New Topic" buttons, with making links, and with the basic TextFormattingRules.
  5. Learn about DejaVu, and acquire viewer software for your computers and personal tracking devices;
  6. Read, listen to, or watch my Snowden and the Future lectures from fall 2013. If you are pressed for time, you could read the condensed Guardian version from 2014.
  7. Listen to the class audio file, available on the 19th.

My office hours beginning 20 January are Mondays 4:30pm-6pm and Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm, via Etherpad or video conference. If you cannot make these times, please write, or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.
My office hours in spring 2022 will be Wednesdays 12:30-2:30pm and 4:50-5:50pm; and Thursdays 10:30-12n and 3-5pm (usually reserved for 1L students). If you need to see me but cannot make office hours, please email for an appointment, or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.

Revision 343r343 - 13 Jan 2022 - 20:39:11 - EbenMoglen
Revision 342r342 - 14 Apr 2021 - 12:06:20 - EbenMoglen
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