Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2020

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In the virtual instruction mode, lecture audio will be available here

each week, on the day of class. You can download audio for the April 22 class here.
each week, on the day of class. You can download audio for the final class here.
 Audio from prior classes can be found at ClassAudio.

On April 22, we will conclude PartsNineandFourteen and begin summing up.
On April 29, we will conclude.
The next online office hour for discussion of this class material will be held April 22, from 2:20pm-4pm.
The next online office hour for discussion of this class material will be held April 29, from 2:20pm-4pm.

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My office hours are Wednesdays 4:30pm-6pm and Thursdays, 10:30am-12n and 3-5pm (usually reserved for 1L students), via Etherpad. If you cannot make these times, please write, or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.
My office hours are Wednesdays 4:30pm-6pm and Thursdays 3-5pm, via Etherpad. If you cannot make these times, please write, or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.

Revision 304r304 - 28 Apr 2020 - 16:08:31 - EbenMoglen
Revision 303r303 - 21 Apr 2020 - 18:43:08 - EbenMoglen
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