Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2015

Line: 86 to 86

On The Radar

Micah Lee, Secret ‘BADASS’ Intelligence Program Spied on Smartphones, The Intercept, January 26, 2015
 Tim Cushing, New York's Top Prosecutor Says We Need New Laws To Fight iPhone/Android Encryption, Techdirt, January 13, 2015

Julian Assange, Who Should Own the Internet?, New York Times, December 4, 2014

Revision 192r192 - 26 Jan 2015 - 19:55:24 - MarkDrake
Revision 191r191 - 25 Jan 2015 - 17:29:28 - EbenMoglen
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