Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2013

Line: 75 to 75
 James Risen and Nick Wingfield, Web’s Reach Binds N.S.A. and Silicon Valley Leaders, The New York Times, June 19, 2013
Tim Wu, Why Monopolies Make Spying Easier, The New Yorker, June 18, 2013
 Spiegel Staff, The German Prism: Berlin Wants to Spy Too, Spiegel Online International, June 17, 2013

Ewen MacAskill? , Nick Davies, Nick Hopkins, Julian Borger, and James Ball, GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits, The Guardian, June 16, 2013

Revision 183r183 - 20 Jun 2013 - 22:08:10 - IanSullivan
Revision 182r182 - 20 Jun 2013 - 16:28:05 - IanSullivan
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